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2124 replies to this topic

#1721 Offline ConcordAntman - Posted July 21 2020 - 2:03 PM


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I’d like your thoughts on this


C935CB8C B00C 435B 9CEA 1ABEDF477696

I noticed my C. americanus bringing their eggs and larvae up to the nestmate on the upper gallery in spite of the two water towers being 55% filled (as per THA recommendations). What do you think? Recommendations gladly accepted!


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#1722 Offline noebl1 - Posted July 21 2020 - 2:08 PM


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Likely humidity there for the eggs is better than the water tower for whatever reason.  All about temperature and humidity :) I've personally seen and read from others it's not unusual for ants to move brood between nestmates and the water tower.



I’d like your thoughts on this



I noticed my C. americanus bringing their eggs and larvae up to the nestmate on the upper gallery in spite of the two water towers being 55% filled (as per THA recommendations). What do you think? Recommendations gladly accepted!

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#1723 Offline akaant - Posted July 22 2020 - 2:18 PM


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I have the larger nucleus 3 that I over flow every week. They keep most of the brood in the middle of the bottom chamber or on the water tank. If brood are on the tank ill slowly over flow it. Only issue is the "sweating effect".

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AKA's Ant adoption.


Youtube. https://www.youtube....Hbsk2xiarcfGTmw

Keeper of...

Aphaenogaster sp

Camponotus americanus, castaneus, chromaiodes, novaeboracensis, pennsylvanicus.

Crematogaster sp

tetramorium immigrans

Formica sp




#1724 Offline ConcordAntman - Posted July 22 2020 - 4:34 PM


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Thanks guys. 🤔Maybe I’ll try adding water to the water towers. 

Edited by ConcordAntman, July 22 2020 - 4:35 PM.

#1725 Offline ConcordAntman - Posted July 23 2020 - 7:55 PM


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Today was colony a tending day. I brought the water towers in my C. americanus’ formicarium up to 75% capacity though there’s no change in the evaporative surface area we’ll see if it makes them any happier :unknown:

On another note, my first C. pennsylvanicus nanitic :yahoo:  

44008759 95DB 4E83 9A3D 26184D57868F


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#1726 Offline ConcordAntman - Posted August 5 2020 - 4:52 PM


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Today was a feeding and housekeeping day for my charges and I had some surprises. My C. novaeboracensis and C. pennsylvanicus queens each have three nanitics though one of the C. novaeboracensis’ has died. Both seem to be foraging now that I’ve set up their feeding chambers.


9F78B0D0 CBDD 4B11 A931 602FDE844009
BC921E12 E956 45C0 9A11 3303C31588FA




I’ve had problems with honey in the past. Even when diluted, I’ve lost workers because they’ve gotten trapped in it. I seem to be having some luck using apple slices for sugar and moisture along with sliced crickets for the protein. I’ll alternate with mealworms and Dubia roaches (once I get my next shipment). 

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#1727 Offline noebl1 - Posted August 20 2020 - 12:33 PM


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Just a reminder some of the biggest flights of the year coming up... End of the anting season often has several species flying in a single day. Ponera, Lasius, Myrmica, Myrmecina, Crematogaster, Brachymyrmex, Solenopsis... and I'm forgetting some :D

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#1728 Offline Scherme - Posted August 20 2020 - 7:14 PM


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Just a reminder some of the biggest flights of the year coming up... End of the anting season often has several species flying in a single day. Ponera, Lasius, Myrmica, Myrmecina, Crematogaster, Brachymyrmex, Solenopsis... and I'm forgetting some :D



I have been seeing way more Lasius activity around the yard. The entrance mounds are higher and wider and much more foraging goin on. 

Tetramorium immigrans | Journal

Lasius Neoniger | Journal

Camponotus Pennsylvanicus | Journal

Camponotus Chromaiodes | Journal

Schermicarium - DIY | Journal

#1729 Offline RushmoreAnts - Posted August 20 2020 - 7:47 PM


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Just a reminder some of the biggest flights of the year coming up... End of the anting season often has several species flying in a single day. Ponera, Lasius, Myrmica, Myrmecina, Crematogaster, Brachymyrmex, Solenopsis... and I'm forgetting some :D

I have been seeing way more Lasius activity around the yard. The entrance mounds are higher and wider and much more foraging goin on.
That is customary for colonies preparing for nuptial flights.
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"God made..... all the creatures that move along the ground according to their kinds (including ants). And God saw that it was good. Genesis 1:25 NIV version



Tetramorium immigrans

Formica cf. pallidefulva, cf. incerta, cf. argentea

Formica cf. aserva, cf. subintegra

Pogonomyrmex occidentalis

Pheidole bicarinata

Myrmica sp.

Lasius neoniger, brevicornis

#1730 Offline ANTdrew - Posted August 21 2020 - 2:19 AM


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I’m primed and ready for Crematogaster flights!
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"The ants are a people not strong, yet they prepare their meat in the summer." Prov. 30:25
Keep ordinary ants in extraordinary ways.

#1731 Offline ConcordAntman - Posted August 21 2020 - 4:45 AM


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Jeez, I’m humbled by you guys! It’s hard enough for me to manage the 4 colonies I’ve got. You’ve got a lot more than me and your still hunting these little critters! Way to go!

#1732 Offline ANTdrew - Posted August 21 2020 - 4:54 AM


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:bigboss: It's all about the bizznizz. I've made over $700 selling colonies in 2020. Plus, just finding queens is a thrill.

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"The ants are a people not strong, yet they prepare their meat in the summer." Prov. 30:25
Keep ordinary ants in extraordinary ways.

#1733 Offline Nathant2131 - Posted August 22 2020 - 2:15 PM


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Myrmica and possibly others are flying for me right now!

#1734 Offline noebl1 - Posted August 22 2020 - 2:18 PM


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Lasius and Aphaenogaster too

#1735 Offline noebl1 - Posted August 22 2020 - 3:57 PM


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Found 10 Aphaenogaster queens, I believe mostly if not all A. fulva or similiar.  Handful of Lasius queens as well.

#1736 Offline SabbyMae - Posted August 23 2020 - 5:32 AM


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A few days ago I caught a Lasius latipes queen. Yesterday I snagged half a dozen Lasius neoniger workers from my back yard and I put both tubes in the refrigerator for 2 hours before connecting the tubes. One worker latched onto the queens antenna but only for a few seconds. Over night it seems all of the worker ants have moved into the tube with the queen and they are living peacefully. I have not seen the workers feed the queen. I would like your opinions. Is this progress?

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#1737 Offline RushmoreAnts - Posted August 23 2020 - 6:20 AM


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A few days ago I caught a Lasius latipes queen. Yesterday I snagged half a dozen Lasius neoniger workers from my back yard and I put both tubes in the refrigerator for 2 hours before connecting the tubes. One worker latched onto the queens antenna but only for a few seconds. Over night it seems all of the worker ants have moved into the tube with the queen and they are living peacefully. I have not seen the workers feed the queen. I would like your opinions. Is this progress?

Apparently Lasius parasites in the subgenus Acanthomyops (in which latipes is classified) are very hard to raise. Good luck with this!

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"God made..... all the creatures that move along the ground according to their kinds (including ants). And God saw that it was good. Genesis 1:25 NIV version



Tetramorium immigrans

Formica cf. pallidefulva, cf. incerta, cf. argentea

Formica cf. aserva, cf. subintegra

Pogonomyrmex occidentalis

Pheidole bicarinata

Myrmica sp.

Lasius neoniger, brevicornis

#1738 Offline SabbyMae - Posted August 23 2020 - 6:58 AM


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A few days ago I caught a Lasius latipes queen. Yesterday I snagged half a dozen Lasius neoniger workers from my back yard and I put both tubes in the refrigerator for 2 hours before connecting the tubes. One worker latched onto the queens antenna but only for a few seconds. Over night it seems all of the worker ants have moved into the tube with the queen and they are living peacefully. I have not seen the workers feed the queen. I would like your opinions. Is this progress?

Apparently Lasius parasites in the subgenus Acanthomyops (in which latipes is classified) are very hard to raise. Good luck with this!


Yay funnnn.. Thanks!

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#1739 Offline noebl1 - Posted August 23 2020 - 7:42 AM


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Lasius and Crematogaster are flying

#1740 Offline ConcordAntman - Posted August 23 2020 - 11:10 AM


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:bigboss: It's all about the bizznizz. I've made over $700 selling colonies in 2020. Plus, just finding queens is a thrill.

:o Wait, what! You get to walk in the woods, enjoy nature, catch queens, AND make money! Way to go man! (y) Retirement gives me the time to hang loose and enjoy 'em. I'm thinkin' we both got it pretty good...

Edited by ConcordAntman, August 23 2020 - 11:10 AM.

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