I’ve had to up my colony tending routine as my C. pennsylvanicus population is exploding. I’m feeding them about 3 times per week. I’m hopeful to get some growth from my C. americanus as well. I try to get some shots of the colonies with each feeding. It’s interesting how these two species differ.
Since starting, I’ve had a 20% survival of my C. pennsylvanicus queens (half at founding, half from die-offs over time). It seems though, if you make it past your second diapause, you’ll be in good stead. For the most part, C. pennsylvanicus has been easy to keep. While they’re slow growers (due to their size), they’ve not been picky eaters, they’re not particularly light sensitive, and don’t startle easily. The latter points make them easy to photograph.
C. americanus on the other hand, require a bit more work. I managed to have a 10% population decline due to not feeding enough protein and the colony not having a taste for the protein I provided. Akaant and ANTDrew turned me on to Dubia roaches and they’ve taken to them like manna from heaven! In contrast to C. pennsylvanicus, they seem light sensitive and startle easily. The queen stays sequestered toward the back of the chambers in the shadows with her brood pile. All of this makes snapping shots difficult since I don’t want to stress them anymore than necessary to tend them.
In about 2 weeks, I will have been ant-keeping for two years. Considering I started in the 1980’s one could say I’m a slow study but I’m nonetheless excited to finally succeed in this hobby.