Nice! There indeed was a flight yesterday, but was a small one. I'm still finding alates and drones randomly outside, as being so cold, they aren't moving very fast...
If this year is like previous years, in the next 1 - 4 weeks, there should be a pretty large flight that it will be pretty much impossible to miss the flight on
The anting season has literally just begun.
I'm still bumming a bit over the loss of my 2016 Tetramorium colony. It's weird as on one hand I'm a bit disappointed as the longest queen I had ever kept. At the same time, that colony was getting a bit hard to manage as they were constantly hungry, and was a challenge to keep them fed and also not have any escapees. I should have known something was up, as colonies tend to get a little annoyed when I open the top to feed them, but that queen would absolutely lose her mind and would leave the test tube... My 2017 Tetramorium queen does not have that issue at all.
Other than a freak incident (trying to find what wiped out my Lasius alienus test tube yesterday), things have been going well. Both my Aphaenogaster colonies are still growing (the A. picea grows scarily fast), and my Myrmica queen I caught is laying like crazy. She readily is eating whatever I give her too. The four C. americanus queens all have small brood piles at this point still, and it's interesting to see how much color variation there is in this species. There's one favorite, so I hope she makes it. Both C. nearcticus queens also have small brood piles. My Crematogaster queens are still getting close, but taking forever to eclose. Finally have 6 or 7 Lasius still waiting to eclose to ID, they all have pupae now (except one I think is infertile as noticed all her brood shriveled up and had died.)
Edited by noebl1, May 27 2018 - 4:10 PM.