I keep mine heated and my room is very warm, so that's probably why. A lot of people say that Lasius are really timid but mine explore the outworld like nothing can stop them- they also excepted the liquidy, meaty part of a small mealworm (which dries into a flaky-like thing as soon as it escapes the body, making it easy for the workers to carry), and sunburst ant nectar. They explored the outworl as soon as I gave it to them; They seemed desperate for the protein.
That's good to know when they finally eclose. I know my L. alienus seem to be pretty opportunistic as well and eat whatever.
My P. imparis are slowing moving along as well and curious who's going to eclose first; these or the Lasius.
I got a couple shots of the brood spot for the Myrmica I caught, looks like 3 larvae and one egg (not really exciting enough to post).
On a totally random note, saw a Blanding's Turtle on our driveway this week and submitted a sighting to the State. Never seen/heard of one before and apparently a threatened species in MA/NH/ME.