It is a bit early, but Camponotus Myrmentoma last year flew a couple weeks before the larger Camponotus, so could fly soon. However they really prefer high 70s/80s for flights. I think Cindy saw some Camponotus Myrmentoma flying last weekend with it in the 80s, so possible more flights in other areas later this week. Regardless within a few weeks the Camponotus flights will start and another in rush of ID requests as impossible to miss as such larger numbers (the Myrmentoma flew 5/12 last year when it hit 80s.)
Checked on my ants, and P. imparis are starting to lay, and all the Lasius neoniger in the first bin I checked all had egg piles or larvae. Didn't get a chance to check the 2nd bin of them.
My Lasius umbratus I think started eggs laying as well with her pair of L. alienus workers. I caught them feeding her last night, so she's at least some success infiltrating and replacing the queen.
Noticed a new Tetramorium colony this week as well along our driveway busily digging out from the rains. My toddler sat next to me and watched them for awhile which was cool. He doesn't talk much, but he clearly says "ants" and points to look at the Tetramorium and L. umbratus he knows about.
Edited by noebl1, April 22 2017 - 1:14 PM.