I’ve seen a pair of C. pennsylvanicus queens over the past few days but nothing yet like the flights I’ve seen prior to 2020. I have 2 observations that I’d not seen before. At yesterday’s feeding (I feed crickets, mealworms, fruit, and on-demand Sunburst every 48-72 hours), I got some shots of my C. americanus mobbing their feeding dish. That’s quite unusual as they’re my most timid foragers. It wasn’t until I was editing my shots (for color and exposure) that I realized the workers were bringing eggs and larvae to the food in the outworld rather than vice versa.

I’m sure this latter behavior is not too uncommon. Likely a matter of survival. But the former behavior seems a bit unusual. I’ve read about workers moving larvae to the food source in the nest but exposing the larvae to risk outside?!? Anyone else see this?