Big update I have decided to add another foraging tank to the colony [looks even cooler than I thought it would] and I have to say what a job and a half that was to do! I had to cut a hole small enough but also big enough to fit the tubing in and ants where pouring out of there like water! So I but them in the freezer for about 4 minutes [I kept careful eye on them] and they went to sleep so I could cut the hole and add the second foraging tank. It only took 2 minutes but within that amount of time they where already awake and swarming [they seem to like to do that] I also noticed the queens went into the older foraging tank, which I didn't mind [they moved back in the nest after I did what I had to do.] Here is the before pic:
and Here it is now:
Foraging tank#1-
[That's where all the queens ran to, they where still a bit sleepy in that picture]
Foraging Tank#2-
Few pics of the nest:[I added more paper towel as it seemed to work well before.
I know it's not the best setup but these ants have adapted quite well to Captivity, I think anyway.
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