I bought this colony from Drew today. I'll definitely be taking pictures, probably be tomorrow though. They came with his new formicarium design, the founding one.
About an hour ago, I boosted with four Pogonomyrmex californicus callows. Two which were accepted, the other two I accidentally injured ( ). Now they are helping carry in pupae (and some larvae) that I also got from the same colony. I'd say I probably got around 15 pupae (maybe closer to 20 pupae) and a few larvae, I didn't do an actual count. The pile of pupae and the few larvae in their nesting area is quite tall though, almost reaches the top and nearly reaching halfway in width.
I've boosted Pogonomyrmex maricopa with P. californicus before and that worked out pretty well. Though they didn't accept any callows and only accepted half the brood. I seem to have had way better success with this Pogonomyrmex rugosus queen accepting the brood AND callows, than I did with P. maricopa.
I'd take pictures today, but I kind of want them to settle in. Plus, way too tired to do anything right now. So, you guys will have to wait for tomorrow.
Edited by Vendayn, February 19 2017 - 6:10 PM.