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Update 12-3-2018
The colony inside the giant glass vase is still alive, although producing very slowly. The colony is still very small, and they actually have a couple repletes. The other two slowly died off. One was doing great too for a while.
Right at the end of this season, on September 30th, a good sized storm went through the area south of Joshua Tree National Park. As I expected, there must have been a small M. placodops flight, because right in the spot that got the most rain, we dug up quite a few queens. They seemed to only be found in the embankment of the dirt road out there in very rocky soil. I'm sure they were elsewhere, but this was the only place we were spotting their founding chambers. I ended up finding nine queens that night.
Two months later, I only have three of them left. It looks like one of those actually has its first worker now.
Update 12-22-2019
I eventually was left with only the colony in the vase setup again, but that colony finally died too.
1X Pogonomyrmex occidentalis 40-50 Workers
1X Solenopsis molesta 10 Workers (mono)
Ants I Want: Crematogaster sp, Camponotus Sp., Ponera Pennsylvanica, Mymercocystus sp.
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Aw. Sorry to hear that Drew. That's gotta suck.
But anyway check out mine, all five colonies are doing great, with the largest going on its fourth year in 2021. Not that I am bragging or flexing. I do not do such things.
California Ants for Sale
Unidentified Myrmecocystus
Undescribed "Modoc"
Camponotus or Colobopsis yogi:
Camponotus us-ca02
Unidentified Formica
Pencil Case and Test Tube Formicariums
Bloodworm Soup
Idk, but it was a great journal.
Not that I am bragging or flexing. I do not do such things.
That's all you do, lol.
how many days when it first spun the cocoon to eclosing? i have a mendax and she 3 coon has been like a week and half.
how about just making a new thread to ask this question instead of reviving a year old thread?how many days when it first spun the cocoon to eclosing? i have a mendax and she 3 coon has been like a week and half.
Update 12-17-2021
I found a bunch more of these last season 6-25-2021 near Nipton, CA.
They did really well this year and I had hardly any deaths. I sold most of them, and kept the three largest colonies at the time.
Right now I have all three in Dirt Box setups. The Dirt Boxes are getting quite old, so it's not as easy to see in them now. I counted over 40 workers in one colony, and I don't think the other two are far behind.
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