7-31-2015 1. Location of collection:
Adelanto, California.2. Date of collection:
7-21-2015.3. Habitat of collection:
Joshua tree/High Desert.4. Length (from head to gaster):
13mm5. Color, hue, pattern and texture:
Red head; dark grey thorax and gaster. I found three of these
Myrmecocystus cf.
mendax queens 7-21-2015, in Adelanto, California, and another in Johnson Valley. I dug all of them up from their founding chambers. The one from Johnson Valley looks slightly different, and might not be
M. mendax, so once I find out for sure, I'll move her to another journal if I have to.
I put the three from Adelanto in some of my small dirt boxes, and the one from Johnson Valley I'll be putting in a small shallow container with Hydrostone in the bottom and dirt on top.
These all started laying eggs within a day or two.