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Since the other thread is locked - In fact Obama DID effectively "ban" refugees

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#1 Offline Vendayn - Posted February 2 2017 - 12:38 PM


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While this is an ant forum, not made for politics. And normally I don't even talk about politics, here, facebook or anywhere. Ends up a bunch of people arguing at each other like arguing with a brick wall or a wooden stump. But, this IS however the off topic section. So, if you want to talk about ants, that isn't the point of off topic lol. I barely even go to off topic section as it is. It shouldn't show up on the news feed though (or maybe that got fixed now, dunno). However, I'd like to correct certain people on saying Obama's "ban" is fake news. So I will link to a site that liberals love, CNN (unless CNN is also now considered fake news). 


Granted, Trump's ban is more wide sweeping and he calls it an actual ban. But, Obama effectively did the same exact thing.




"While Obama did order his administration to pause consideration of Iraqi refugee applications for six months in 2011,"


Essentially, "pause consideration" pretty much means there was no refugees for that entire time (six months) from Iraq. While he didn't call it a ban, it leads to the same outcome, no new refugees from that country for X amount of time as their applications wouldn't be considered for that six months. Trump has targeted more countries and called it for what it is, a ban and is more wide sweeping about it. So yes, its more countries and he calls it an actual ban. But, Obama effectively did something similar. He just used different wording than saying it was a "ban", but it is the same. Not letting people in for X amount of time, so Obama DID in fact do what Trump is doing, except Trump is targeting more countries.


Still, no one cared when Obama did it. Different wording, same outcome.



Edited by Vendayn, February 2 2017 - 12:39 PM.

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#2 Offline Vendayn - Posted February 2 2017 - 12:40 PM


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Guess this still shows up in the news feed. Off topic section shouldn't pop up there, since this isn't a section about ants. Oh well, if people come here, it says right in the subsection "off topic", which means topics not related to ants :P

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#3 Offline Serafine - Posted February 2 2017 - 1:38 PM


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Makes you wonder why Trump didn't set the Arab Emirates and Saudi-Arabia (you know, the birth country of Osama bin Laden) on the list which have proven to have spawned more terrorists into the world than the majority of the other Arab countries together.


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#4 Offline Martialis - Posted February 2 2017 - 1:41 PM


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Edited by Martialis, May 9 2019 - 3:06 PM.


#5 Offline Serafine - Posted February 2 2017 - 1:56 PM


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You DO know Obama didn't order a ban, he just paused the processing of applications for asylum for 6 months to investigate asylum processes (because two Iraquis who were already known and chased for being terrorists managed to get to Kentucky as refugees)? He did NOT ban every Iraqi citizen from traveling to the US, especially not those that were already accepted, had a Visa or a Greencard. Neither did he preemptively ban citizens from 6 other countries. Even you should be able to spot the difference.



Looks like business to me.


Actually Germany does no longer allow shipment of military goods to Saudi-Arabia. The last shipment was done recently because the treaty was made before the new rules came into place. No further shipments are allowed.

Edited by Serafine, February 2 2017 - 2:02 PM.

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#6 Offline Martialis - Posted February 2 2017 - 2:05 PM


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Edited by Martialis, May 9 2019 - 3:06 PM.


#7 Offline Annexis - Posted February 2 2017 - 2:07 PM


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Lol you posting your views on an antkeeping forum???? ummmmmm ok....

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#8 Offline Serafine - Posted February 2 2017 - 2:23 PM


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Martialis, on 02 Feb 2017 - 10:05 PM, said:

rather because of the low terrorism risk from there.



FIFTEEN of the nineteen 9/11 terrorists came from Saudi-Arabia

Al-Quaeda and the Islamic State have more supporters in Saudi-Arabia than in almost any other place in the world.


That country has spawned more terrorists than most other countries together. Either directly (Osama bin Laden and most of the Taliban/Al-Quaeda Leadership were born there) or by financing Koran Schools all over the world that are spreading the most hyperradical toxic backwards version of Islam, managing to even severely damage the development of entire countries by opposing and banning schools and education of any sort (and countless acts of terrorism of course).


If Trump REALLY wants to step on the terrorists' feet this country is a good place to start.

Edited by Serafine, February 2 2017 - 2:27 PM.

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#9 Offline Martialis - Posted February 2 2017 - 2:39 PM


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Edited by Martialis, May 9 2019 - 3:05 PM.

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#10 Offline Serafine - Posted February 2 2017 - 2:56 PM


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Martialis, on 02 Feb 2017 - 10:39 PM, said:

I meant directly. How many terrorist organisations that you know of are based there? I do agree that their radical islamic dogma does spawn quite a few extremists.

Oh, so now were at the point where giving millions of dollars to terrorists so they can buy guns, bombs, pilot licenses and other stuff is okay as long as they just don't enter from your country?

Martialis, on 02 Feb 2017 - 10:39 PM, said:

We shouldn't be allied with them.

I can entirely agree with that.
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#11 Offline Martialis - Posted February 2 2017 - 2:59 PM


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Edited by Martialis, May 9 2019 - 3:05 PM.


#12 Offline Serafine - Posted February 2 2017 - 3:05 PM


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You can't stop them from emigrating. But then this isn't the problem entirely. You could freeze the funds of those who support them though, at least the funds that are located in the US or other western countries.

Edited by Serafine, February 2 2017 - 3:05 PM.

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#13 Offline Alabama Anter - Posted February 3 2017 - 8:19 PM

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Hehe Serafine VS Martialis


#14 Offline Serafine - Posted February 4 2017 - 1:20 AM


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Oh and btw Obama did NOT stop anything, in fact he just ordered a REVIEW of all refugees that were ALREADY IN THE US (to make sure there weren't any other known enemy combatants amongst them) which as a result almost completely paralyzed the relevant department for months (because they had to check a LOT of people). At NO point he prevented anyone from applying for asylum in the US, not even citizens from Iraq.


The two people that were arrested were btw charged for using explosives against US soldiers in Iraq and for trying to send money, weapons, ammunition and explosives to terrorists in Iraq. At no point they had even plans for attacks on targets within the United States.


Basically they went to the US because everyone can just walk into a shop and buy rifles and ammunition there (actually even people that are under the suspicion of being terrorists, yes a few months ago the republicans blocked a law that would have prevented exactly this group of people from doing so - just as right now they are blocking a law that would require people with mental sickness to undergo extensive tests before getting a permit to carry a gun. Obviously even people with schizophrenia, post-traumatic stress disorder, borderline syndrome and other psychoses have a right to buy tools with which they can easily kill their neighbours during a psychotic seizure. Well, that's one way of being consequent).

Edited by Serafine, February 4 2017 - 1:34 AM.

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#15 Offline Martialis - Posted February 4 2017 - 6:04 AM


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Edited by Martialis, May 9 2019 - 3:05 PM.

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#16 Offline TennesseeAnts - Posted May 9 2019 - 6:17 AM


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Government needs to shrink... :ok:
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#17 Offline NickAnter - Posted June 18 2019 - 2:13 PM


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Yes it does, we need another Ronald Reagan. He was one of the only ones who wanted to lessen government.

Edited by NickAnter, June 18 2019 - 2:13 PM.

Hi there! I went on a 6 month or so hiatus, in part due, and in part cause of the death of my colonies. 

However, I went back to the Sierras, and restarted my collection, which is now as follows:

Aphaenogaster uinta, Camponotus vicinus, Camponotus modoc, Formica cf. aserva, Formica cf. micropthalma, Formica cf. manni, Formica subpolita, Formica cf. subaenescens, Lasius americanus, Manica invidia, Pogonomyrmex salinus, Pogonomyrmex sp. 1, Solenopsis validiuscula, & Solenopsis sp. 3 (new Sierra variant). 

#18 Offline Canadian anter - Posted June 18 2019 - 3:46 PM

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NickAnter, on 18 Jun 2019 - 10:13 PM, said:

Yes it does, we need another Ronald Reagan. He was one of the only ones who wanted to lessen government.

Ronald Reagan's fiscal policy was trashhhhh tho. Although I'm Canadian, I personally feel that in the US the worst issue would be corporation lobbying and y'all are gonna keep having these problems if you guys don't stop it somehow
Visit us at www.canada-ant-colony.com !

#19 Offline gcsnelling - Posted June 18 2019 - 4:17 PM



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Politicians, Bahhh. Arrest them all as soon as they are elected.

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#20 Offline TennesseeAnts - Posted June 18 2019 - 6:00 PM


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gcsnelling, on 19 Jun 2019 - 12:17 AM, said:

Politicians, Bahhh. Arrest them all as soon as they are elected.

Yes please!

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