Hi everyone,
My name is Vasile, I'm a 25 year old ant hobbyist with a passion for insect photography and the evolution of biodiversity, especially with social insects like ants, bees, termites and wasps (etc). I've been in the "ant business" for quite some time now, starting back when I was about 5 or 6 I had my first ant farm, I remember being VERY young and turning over flat stones to see ant highways in their tunnels, inspiring to say the least. Anyways since then I've been developing my hobby into something like a business, I sell ant farms and colonies themselves. My passion is keeping exotic species and observing their behaviors and drawing comparisons and differences to understand the big web of life that is ants.
Anyway, if anyone has questions or anything please feel free to ask! I love to help!
Attached are some recent photos that I have taken ..