If you would like to contribute to this collection, feel free to fill this form out and PM it to
for review.
Any line of information you do not know, just leave blank; don't delete the line.
The format of these will be kept very consistent and strict, so any care sheet submitted may be edited and changed without notice. However, you will still be given credit for your original submission at the bottom of the post.
Some trusted and experienced members have permission to create topics here, so to those who have permission, please make sure the only topics you create here are care sheets. Anything else will be moved to one of the other subforums.
Scientific Name: Please provide the scientific name in proper binomial nomenclature format. Example: Formica podzolica
Common Name: Feel free to list a couple of common names (if any). Also feel free to skip this line as common names are different between locations.
Distribution: Where can this species be found?
Queen size: Size in mm.
Worker size: Size in mm.
Natural Habitat: What type of habitat Is this species commonly found in?
Circadian Activity: Is this species Diurnal, Nocturnal, or Crepuscular?
Mating Flight: What months of the year, and time of the day do the queens normally fly? Do they mate on the ground or in the air? There is a complete list of all species in the Ant Mating Chart: http://www.formicult...t-mating-chart/
Queen Founding Method: Is the queen Fully Claustral, Semi Claustral, or Parasitic? If it is parasitic please mention if it is just for the founding process or not.
Monogyne or Polygyne: After the founding stage will the colony tolerate more than one queen or not? Some species allow numerous queens while founding, but kill off all but one once the colony grows (these count as Monogyne species for our purposes).
Average time from egg to worker: Egg to Larvae = ## days; Larvae to pupae = ## days, Pupae to worker = ## days. Can also add a note if colonies of this species grows very slow or very fast.
Recommended Temperature: Preferred temperature during “summer” and preferred temperature during “winter”. Please include measurements in both Celsius and Fahrenheit (https://www.google.c...s to fahrenheit).
Recommended Humidity: Does this species like it very moist, or fairly dry?
Preferred Foods: Foods most commonly accepted by colonies over 50 workers (smaller colonies are highly variable in what they will eat). There is already a list of Preferred Food by Species: http://www.formicult...ood-by-species/
Does this species have a social stomach or not?
Hibernation Details: Does this species hibernate or go through diapause? For how long and at what temperatures? (Please include temperatures in both Celsius and Fahrenheit)
Escape Barrier Methods: Some escape barriers work for some species but not for others. Please list the barriers that work for this species. There is already a list of Escape Prevention Barriers: http://www.formicult...bers/#entry7398
Difficulty rating: Is this an easy species to raise or a difficult one? Also provide several reasons for the rating.
Bite and/or Sting rating: Does this species bite or sting? Is it hardly noticeable or impossible to miss?
Special Care or Interesting Notes: Any special care or interesting details when it comes to colony care. Does this species have formic acid and require extra ventilation? Is this species able to chew threw most formicariums?
Additional Links: Include a link to this species on Antweb (http://www.antweb.org/) or other sites with additional information.
Edited by dspdrew, January 24 2017 - 8:48 AM.