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Wait, Ricardo, you bought Lasius Flavus from California and you live in china? Try not to buy ants from California if you have such good ant diversity where you live .
Also, is Los Angeles a real location in China? I looked it up. It would be cool to come visit sometime. Hawaii is pretty close to Asia.
Have you considered THA nests?
how do you delete messages? i made a very dumb mistake in this original post
Edited by Leo, January 24 2017 - 7:22 PM.
Hawaii, he was lying lol. H lives in California. Does illegal crap.
Knew it.
Also, why would he buy a formicarium for a friend in australia? Formicariums outside of the USA are cheaper in some places. I just have a feeling that Ricardo needs it and wants an excuse to get a formicarium for illegal ants.
Ricardo, if you have illegal ants, the past is the past. You can admit it. We won't judge you (too harshly ). Everyone makes mistakes. Like how I accidentally squished a leptogenys queen (I think) yesterday. I have no idea how I didn't see the moving colony.
^^ lol, your right Hawaiianant. As for AA, he says he's 16 but is 11, and has a very shady motive I uncovered.
Alabama Anter's profile says that he's 12 years old. Where'd you get 16 from?
Also if your ants are illegal, just keep your colonies secure. Freezing is quite inhumane and I bet the Los Angeles weather is pretty suitable for some of your more hardy species.
And I think that you may have too many ants in a colony for a two inch diameter formicarium. Maybe try THA Fortress or AC Hybrid. Or try Ant-Topia and 117 colonies. They have some nice formicariums.
Lol, Ricardo tried to get me to sell him some Psudenumyx and Camponotus floridanus AND Odontomachus. He says he has most of all the exotic species he can get. I'm shady? Nice try 18 year old. (Lying about my age? WHEN?!)
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