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Ant-Keeping Discord Server


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36 replies to this topic

#1 Offline Jash - Posted January 14 2017 - 9:13 PM



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I've created a server with a few others to discuss ants & ant-keeping for anyone that actively uses Discord.


I know there is another server around but I was looking for something more mature and moderated so decided to create one myself.


If anyone is interested here's the link: https://discord.gg/ZXFTVzD

Edited by Jash, January 14 2017 - 10:56 PM.

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#2 Offline Serafine - Posted January 15 2017 - 3:59 AM


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I can assure you this server is MUCH more pleasant than the other one. And we gonna make sure it stays that way with actual moderation if required.

Edited by Serafine, January 15 2017 - 3:59 AM.

We should respect all forms of consciousness. The body is just a vessel, a mere hull.

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#3 Offline MiaRose - Posted January 16 2017 - 12:14 PM



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Best ant discord chat around! :)

Currently Colonies:

Lasius Niger

Lasius Flavus


#4 Offline Barristan - Posted March 11 2018 - 3:17 AM


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What a nice place this discord server. If they don't agree with you they call you racist, retarded and in the end they ban you lol. What a bunch of selfopinionated people.


They not even told me any reason why they banned me, probably because they could not name any valid reason ;)

Edited by Barristan, March 11 2018 - 3:20 AM.

#5 Offline The Australian nanictic - Posted March 11 2018 - 3:45 AM

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Barristan, after you joined, you posted something that the owner informed you was not allowed on the server. You then proceeded to claim that your opinion was oppressed and that the server was filled with social justice warriors. You went on to mock SJW and generalise and disparage the entire server, then spent the rest of your time in the server trolling. While i'm not a mod I think this should give you a decent idea as to why you were banned

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#6 Offline Serafine - Posted March 11 2018 - 3:47 AM


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You have disqualified yourself - none of the last videos you posted in the chat were adding anything to the topic - they were disrespectful and insulting, they were not there to fuel a discussion, they were purely there to get people triggered and to cause trouble.




I could posts similar videos about how all people with conservative views are retarded troglotides - the difference is, I don't. Because it's not true.
Also I'm not interested in getting people triggered with stupid insulting [censored] posting.

You originally made some good points (and I even agree on some, heaven forbid :rolleyes:) but then resorted to [censored] posting to get people triggered and cause them to fight with you - a common tactic used by extremists, especially the ones on the right side of the spectrum, to shut down discussions about stuff they don't like (and no, that doesn't mean I'm saying he is an extremist it just means that he uses a strategy commonly employed by extremists - just a notation for the dumb people who get instantly triggered by everything).

We are not as stupid as you think we are, we see what you were trying to do and we won't fall for it.




You were banned from the server for posting insulting (partially even racist) stuff and trying to cause trouble for the sake of trolling/ruining discussions while completely ignoring the chat's moderators - we've kicked people before for that. We didn't give you reason yet, simply because of a lack of time - you just had to instantly run to Formiculture and start being salty without even waiting for a few minutes.


Maybe your self-description wasn't too far off:


Edited by dspdrew, March 11 2018 - 4:13 AM.
Removed profanity

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We should respect all forms of consciousness. The body is just a vessel, a mere hull.

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#7 Offline Barristan - Posted March 11 2018 - 3:55 AM


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Says the one posting anti trump videos all the time. Well this was an offtopic channel. You basically do the same all the time.

Why don't you post screenshots of people calling me a retard and asking for my age (to use it as ad hominem either to say that I'm too young or that I'm not mature enough for my age like it ends always if people ask for your age in forums and chats).


The funny thing is that I am not on the right I don't like Trump but one thing I hate even more is people like you who only tolerate free speech if it fits into their agenda. As I already said you post anti trump videos all the time there in offtopic and now you get triggered because I posted some anti SJW videos? So funny.

This discord server is a waste of time full of extreme SJWs.

#8 Offline JackPearl - Posted March 11 2018 - 4:01 AM


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Says the one posting anti trump videos all the time. Well this was an offtopic channel. You basically do the same all the time.
Why don't you post screenshots of people calling me a retard and asking for my age (to use it as ad hominem either to say that I'm too young or that I'm not mature enough for my age like it ends always if people ask for your age in forums and chats).
The funny thing is that I am not on the right I don't like Trump but one thing I hate even more is people like you who only tolerate free speech if it fits into their agenda. As I already said you post anti trump videos all the time there in offtopic and now you get triggered because I posted some anti SJW videos? So funny.
This discord server is a waste of time full of extreme SJWs.

I’d just like to say something really quickly. If the discord server was so outrageously extreme and “a waste of time” why would you then go an waste time complaining about it on a forum that cares very little about our discord anyway? Thanks :)

#9 Offline Barristan - Posted March 11 2018 - 4:03 AM


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Simple: to protect others from wasting time.


You'r welcome.



here the two videos:



That is what you defend and call racist lol

Edited by Barristan, March 11 2018 - 4:06 AM.

#10 Offline The Australian nanictic - Posted March 11 2018 - 4:26 AM

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You are being very defensive over your age, when we never made any indication of using it to diminish you in any way and even gave you our ages, which you chose not to believe. You went so far as to accuse us of using the fact that you keep ants to attack you, bearing in mind that this is an ant keeping discord.


Edited by The Australian nanictic, March 11 2018 - 4:29 AM.

#11 Offline Barristan - Posted March 11 2018 - 4:29 AM


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What else do you want to know my age for? It's always the same in forums and chats so don't. Why don't you go back to the discord server and post screenshots of all the videos Serafine posted and link them here so everybody can see how hypocritical he is.

#12 Offline The Australian nanictic - Posted March 11 2018 - 4:31 AM

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I'm not Serafine, I don't speak for him, we are different people and one individual does not represent the chat as a whole. You are generalising off of your past experiences and because of that you came into the chat already expecting us to be terrible people. At the slightest provocation, even in the form of an innocent question you were so sure that we were all out to get you.

#13 Offline Barristan - Posted March 11 2018 - 4:37 AM


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Asking for age in a heated discussion is not innocent calling me a retard is not innocent so plese stop defending the decisions they made. They are just a bunch of intolerant people enjoying their power they have in their small kingdom called Ants & Ant keeping discord chat.

#14 Offline The Australian nanictic - Posted March 11 2018 - 4:42 AM

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You avoid the fact that you are so paranoid as to believe that we would use ant keeping to attack you in an antkeeping discord. Btw, here's the screenshots of the videos Serafine posted. What do you have against the late show?

Edited by The Australian nanictic, March 11 2018 - 4:42 AM.

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#15 Offline Barristan - Posted March 11 2018 - 4:47 AM


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Thanks that is what Serafine calls contributing to the topic xD and of course he does not post any insulting videos.


By the way I find all the videos Serafine posted, funny too but if you tolerate anti trumpm videos you should also tolerate anti SJW videos. One thing is worse than trump extreme SJWs which your chat server is full of it seems and Serafine is one of them :)

Edited by Barristan, March 11 2018 - 4:48 AM.

#16 Offline drtrmiller - Posted March 11 2018 - 4:52 AM



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An appropriate counter to politically inflammatory messages is critical analysis and mature, civil discourse, not expulsion of the individual with whom the majority disagrees.  It can be frustrating to exercise restraint when you have the power to simply eliminate an individual from a discussion.  But a mixture of opinions is what allows us to refine our own beliefs and avoid the siren calls of groupthink.

I tend to frequent some really dumb websites where I'm a reasonable minority voice, and the people there exercise self-censorship on a regular basis, since my opinions hurt their feelings so much:

Edited by drtrmiller, March 11 2018 - 4:53 AM.

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#17 Offline Serafine - Posted March 11 2018 - 5:32 AM


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Asking for age in a heated discussion is not innocent calling me a retard is not innocent so plese stop defending the decisions they made.

Some people in the chat have some age analysis going on, comparing the age average of the Facebook groups, the Discord chat and several forum pages.


By the way I find all the videos Serafine posted, funny too but if you tolerate anti trumpm videos you should also tolerate anti SJW videos. One thing is worse than trump extreme SJWs which your chat server is full of it seems and Serafine is one of them

You might not be aware but I have also posted videos that made fun of left-spectrum politicians and groups as well (currently Trump is simply such a massive target and the running joke that keeps giving and giving and giving).
Also I've posted only late show videos - you are not seriously comparing your troll videos to Stephen Colbert, Seth Meyers or John Oliver? And no, you will not find me posting videos of extremist left groups or crappy troll videos anywhere.
YOU were the one who called everyone on the server (with a userbase of over 650 people) left-wing justice warriors.

YOU were the one who immediately resorted to extremes and started insulting people.

You are so caught in your paranoid little "everyone is against me" world you can't compute that we actually have people with different opinions on the server who can actually co-exist (and yes, we had some heated discussions in the past but nobody ever had to resort to blatant trolling like you did) and that someone who might be very left in some things doesn't necessarily have to be in others.


They are just a bunch of intolerant people enjoying their power they have in their small kingdom called Ants & Ant keeping discord chat.

Actually this is the ONLY non-local antkeeping chat that hasn't gone down the drain in a matter of weeks and while we're open for discussion we're not in for trolling and people insulting others. If you think you can do better you're welcome to make your own chat server, it's free.

But go on, so far you've done a fine job at making yourself look stupid.

Edited by Serafine, March 11 2018 - 5:40 AM.

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#18 Offline Barristan - Posted March 11 2018 - 5:46 AM


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But go on, so far you've done a fine job at making yourself look stupid.

That's what a lot of people think you do with all your crazy posts in this forum ;)

Edited by Barristan, March 11 2018 - 5:46 AM.

#19 Offline Martialis - Posted March 11 2018 - 10:08 AM


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Why must formiculture constantly become the battleground for disputes?

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#20 Offline Barristan - Posted March 11 2018 - 10:21 AM


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Why must formiculture constantly become the battleground for disputes?

Well, I'm sorry to carry it here but it seemed to be a good place since they advertise their discord server here so people interested in it will also read how they treat users there.

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