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Subterranean Termite Help!

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#21 Offline Connectimyrmex - Posted May 4 2017 - 10:52 PM


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How are your termites?
Also, I just got new ones. The new ones laid eggs in 5 days. Also, termite eggs may hatch in as little as a couple weeks.

Hawaiiant (Ben)

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#22 Offline Alabama Anter - Posted May 6 2017 - 2:00 PM

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Proved to be infertile and made a tasty snack for my Aphaenogaster lamellidans


#23 Offline Connectimyrmex - Posted May 7 2017 - 12:00 PM


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Termites are rarely ever infertile! What happened? 

(if they trail each other in tandem running, they should be fine. Stressed termites take a long time to lay, so I would give them 2-3 months just in case)

Hawaiiant (Ben)

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100+ sea squirts
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#24 Offline Alabama Anter - Posted May 15 2017 - 6:46 AM

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2-3 months?! Holy $%#@!


#25 Offline Vendayn - Posted May 17 2017 - 10:58 PM


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2-3 months?! Holy $%#@!

When I had my colony, it took them a year to make lots of nymphs. I also had a bunch of secondary reproductives and normal workers which gave them a head start.


A queen+male can take up to 6 months to get their first nymph(s). Average is about 3 months though. Some like Drywood termites, they'll only have a few workers and maybe a soldier in a year or so. Though I guess Drew's colony grew really big in not that much of time, not sure how that is doing these days though.


They grow a lot slower than ants do (to begin with), but pick up pace quite a lot as time goes on. And definitely take longer to get their first workers than a queen ant would.


When I get just alates, I pretty much put them somewhere that I don't have to maintain (like a test tube) and forget about them. Then once in a while check on them (2-3 times a month, early on just once a month) and see if they get workers or not or if they have eggs. A female and male termite will almost always produce eggs, but it can be a while and it will be a tiny amount when it happens.

#26 Offline Licespray - Posted May 20 2017 - 7:48 PM



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Feel bad for feeding them to your ants now? lol.


I really wanna keep termites..Will have to wait for a flight!

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