I have another question, once the queen has her first workers, do you just set this thing inside there new nest and wait for them to come out? because i don't see anywhere where it would hook up to a tube. However i am not saying it should because that would probably make it look bad, I am just asking.
Look in the reflection, you can see the 10mm port hole in the back. This way you can have it outside the outworld for a better viewing pleasure. Nobody wants to look through a clear container then through another clear barrier at their ants. You can do this if you want, but i'd prefer to have the nest sit outside.
yes, i'll take better pictures of the nanitic nest soon. She's still in testing and want to make sure all features are correct before i set them in stone.
Any particular area you want to see?
the drainage hole and what it looks like with the sponge lid off, please
I'd prefer not to take pictures of the top off and how hydration works. that's for buyers to find out themselves.
I would love to see some more photos. do you have any with the ants inside of it or something next to it for scale? Btw, what is the nesting material made out of and what about a price range?
None with ants yet, but i can use a panera card for scale. The nesting material is a proven ant safe, grout base with natural additives for color and absorption. Price range can be expected to be below $10 each.