Update 1/11/17
Oh my lord, So much has happened ever since the last update. Well, the tupperware setup started to get noticeably scattered with feces, so I moved them into another sort of bug container thing. I didn't like the amount of space they were getting, so I moved them into the 1.5 gal fish tank (Kinda was inevitable to happen) a few days ago and man, they absolutely love it in there. They are also in my room now, where it is much warmer.

I call the top, the foraging area, "The Field." I weirdly enough do not place their food there, just for dumping new pillbugs in (just caught 4x Philoscia muscorum today). There is almost never any action there, but strangely enough, that is where they all go when they die (1 Oniscus asselus and 1 Philoscia muscorum has deceased) Almost all Woodlice are always grouped up at "Home Base", The little space to the left of the wood, below the two stacked and soaked cotton balls. The humidity there is perfect, with little bubble clouds forming. They bask on the side of the wood, where there is a sort of cave that they like staying in. Cool thing is, none of the area is hard to see and I can see every nook and cranny of the place. I call the top of the wood "The Balcony", where I place all food. You may have noticed the two raw oats and the Galileo Ant Feeder filled with Sunburst Ant Nectar. I have only seen one pillbug (species Philoscia muscorum, I'll tell you about the whole species thing later) stick his/her head in it, but still decided to keep it there. The oats on the other hand, I started out with 6 and they have already completely devoured 4 of them! It was a big hit for them so I suppose that will be one of their main food sources. They even started to drag and push the oats into Home Base to feed from there. I call the right foraging area to the right of the wood "The Alley." I call it that becuase I also have seen almost no action there, so it kind of creates this shady aura I suppose. It also is a little bit narrow, like an alley in the city. 
Here are some pics of Home Base:

There are still always a few of them on the cotton balls, but they are no longer swarming them, asumming that is becuase I have met a stable humidity and moisture criteria. When I open the aquarium lid, I can literally feel the heat and humidity radiating from the habitat, and the whole glass panels are covered with clouds. This is not a problem however, since the clouds disapear within a few seconds after I open the lid.
I have finally found out the species of my pillbugs, though in an ugly manner. The small, dirty yellow pillbugs that I always gush over is Philoscia muscorum (There is around 16 of them). I personally find that these are the most common in my area, and are very easy to recognize. Ok, now this is where it starts getting bumpy: There are two other species, Oniscus asselus and Porcellio scaber, but I find it difficult to tell a lot of them apart. They are both gray. So for this reason whenever I refer to a gray species, I'll call them Oniscus cf. asselus since I can still tell they are the more dominant gray species despite the confusion. (the rest is around 15)
Sadly, there has been two confirmed deaths. One is Oniscus cf. asselus, and the other is around Philoscia muscorum. I think this is becuase I may have handled them too rough when I moved them, but other than that it could be just natural, and reached an old age. I am not let down by this as I have been doing so well otherwise, and I don't think their causes of death were becuase they were not provided something they needed, just something natural or a silly mistake. Though they are getting a bit moldy, I have decided to let them break down naturally. I avoid artificial help whenever I can, besides food, water and cleaning. No signs of breeding have been seen, BTW.
Thank you for reading this big long update, everyone! 
Population Size: 27-32 (Did a recount and noticed there was more than I thought)