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Which ant would win in a battle?

battle ant random

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44 replies to this topic

Poll: Which Ant would Win? (15 member(s) have cast votes)

Which Ant would Win

  1. Yellow Crazy Ants (6 workers) (7 votes [46.67%] - View)

    Percentage of vote: 46.67%

  2. Trap jaw Ants (2 workers) (2 votes [13.33%] - View)

    Percentage of vote: 13.33%

  3. Dorylus Ants (1 queen, 2 majors, 1 minor) (4 votes [26.67%] - View)

    Percentage of vote: 26.67%

  4. Pachycondyla Ants (1 queen) (0 votes [0.00%])

    Percentage of vote: 0.00%

  5. Bullet Ant (1 worker) (0 votes [0.00%])

    Percentage of vote: 0.00%

  6. Atta Leafcutter Ants (1 soldier) (0 votes [0.00%])

    Percentage of vote: 0.00%

  7. Bull ant (2 callow workers) (2 votes [13.33%] - View)

    Percentage of vote: 13.33%

  8. Monomorium Ants (4 workers) (0 votes [0.00%])

    Percentage of vote: 0.00%

Vote Guests cannot vote

#41 Offline Alabama Anter - Posted January 5 2017 - 10:21 AM

Alabama Anter

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I'm a little confused though when I'm trying to play this out in my head. Would we be putting these ants in an arena all together? What do you mean by "win"? What kind of battle are we having? I'm so confused.

In my brain I'm thinking one choice VS another choice and just keep on going until something knocks it out


#42 Offline Connectimyrmex - Posted January 5 2017 - 5:58 PM


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Let's say that all of these ants are in a small arena. Let's not do it, though, because I'm 99.99% sure that doing that is like dogfighting. :P

Hawaiiant (Ben)

Keeper of
Miniature Labradoodle
Baby Wolf Spider
Mud Dauber wasp larvae
Ochetellus Glaber
Solenopsis Geminata
Brachymyrmex Obscurior
Cardiocondyla Emeryi
Tetramorium Bicarinatum
Plagiolepis Alluaudi
Anoplolepis Gracilipes
Technomyrmex Difficilis
Pheidole Megacephala
Aholehole fish
Cowrie snail
Sea Fan Worm
100+ sea squirts
Tree seedlings
Ghost Crab
Day Gecko
Small Fat Centipede
Endemic Lacewing larva
Vernal Pool shrimps

#43 Offline Connectimyrmex - Posted January 5 2017 - 6:07 PM


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Shall I make a new battle post, but instead with ants, termites, beetles, and other arthropods?

Hawaiiant (Ben)

Keeper of
Miniature Labradoodle
Baby Wolf Spider
Mud Dauber wasp larvae
Ochetellus Glaber
Solenopsis Geminata
Brachymyrmex Obscurior
Cardiocondyla Emeryi
Tetramorium Bicarinatum
Plagiolepis Alluaudi
Anoplolepis Gracilipes
Technomyrmex Difficilis
Pheidole Megacephala
Aholehole fish
Cowrie snail
Sea Fan Worm
100+ sea squirts
Tree seedlings
Ghost Crab
Day Gecko
Small Fat Centipede
Endemic Lacewing larva
Vernal Pool shrimps

#44 Offline Canadian anter - Posted January 5 2017 - 6:38 PM

Canadian anter


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Visit us at www.canada-ant-colony.com !

#45 Offline Connectimyrmex - Posted January 5 2017 - 6:57 PM


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Hawaiiant (Ben)

Keeper of
Miniature Labradoodle
Baby Wolf Spider
Mud Dauber wasp larvae
Ochetellus Glaber
Solenopsis Geminata
Brachymyrmex Obscurior
Cardiocondyla Emeryi
Tetramorium Bicarinatum
Plagiolepis Alluaudi
Anoplolepis Gracilipes
Technomyrmex Difficilis
Pheidole Megacephala
Aholehole fish
Cowrie snail
Sea Fan Worm
100+ sea squirts
Tree seedlings
Ghost Crab
Day Gecko
Small Fat Centipede
Endemic Lacewing larva
Vernal Pool shrimps

Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: battle, ant, random

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