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Killer bees video?

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#1 Offline T.C. - Posted December 13 2016 - 11:42 AM


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Is this a real thing? I have never heard of these. I mean I have heard of killer bees but, are they as bad as this video makes them seem? Is this video reliable?


The guy who posted this you tube video mislabeled it, so pay no attention to the title


Edited by T.C., December 13 2016 - 12:02 PM.


#2 Offline FSTP - Posted December 13 2016 - 12:06 PM


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23 ads?

#3 Offline Serafine - Posted December 13 2016 - 12:12 PM


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Africanized bees can become really really pissed when their nest is disturbed. However unless they sting someone who's allergic rather few people die to them and if you know how to handle them (like, pay them respect, keep a safe distance, do not poke their nest, don't try to kill them with pesticides, do NOT provoke them in any way) they are far less dangerous than usually described. After all they essentially took over the entire south american continent (and the lower part of the north american continent as well) and they do NOT sting thousands of people to death there all the time. In that regard the movie is a typical US media production where everything that's remotely dangerous is immediately turned into a death threat, no wonder so many people are hyperparanoid and psychotic when they're constantly told that everything out there can kill them.


The main issue is that most americans aren't used to such aggressive bees and either trip into them by accident or are stupid/ignorant enough to provoke them.

People just have to learn to live with them because the bees won't go away.

Edited by Serafine, December 13 2016 - 12:20 PM.

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We should respect all forms of consciousness. The body is just a vessel, a mere hull.

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#4 Offline dermy - Posted December 13 2016 - 12:19 PM


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23 ads?

Gotta make that ad Revenue somehow :lol:

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