(press F to pay respect to Mikey's clickbaity video titles)Well, sort of.
I wanted to offer them a new test tube but the tube leaked and the entire water reservoir (30x200mm tube) ran into the arena. Took two days of heatlamping to get humidity down to normal (from 70% to 45%). The ants didn't care.
Tried again and this time it didn't leak. They found it, one worker was in there already but I don't expect them to move anytime soon, the water in their current tube should still be enough for about 1-2 months.

Two days ago one of the workers spazzed out. Regarding the size it probably was one of the nanitics - she rain around then started to clean herself extensively to the point where she fell over and rolled around. I was actually getting worried she might have mites so I made a close-up of the colony but there's no mites anywhere.
I haven't seen that behavior since so I guess she might just have had a bad day. Though I wouldn't be surprised if some of the nanitics started to die soon, most of them are probably almost a year old.
They mostly come out in pairs now, even if it's not really dark.
Today actually one of them came out while the heat lamp was on, something that never has happened before. In bright daylight they look less orange than on the tube pictures but are more of a deep blood red. They're really pretty.
They got a HUGE spider I managed to catch outside only for them to ignore it entirely for two days until I dripped some water on it. Smaller spiders are still dragged into the nest immediately while most other food isn't really getting a lot of attention. For the last two days they've mostly been busy licking off the mess that's on the feeding dishes.
Oh, and my stupid ants have somehow managed to get sand INSIDE the Galileo feeders (even up into the bottles). They're a pain to unscrew now.

I think more ants have hatched but there's no way to be sure because since it got warmer they permanently keep their pupae inside the straw, together with some of the workers. That media worker is still quite a monstrosity compared to the other ones though (not sure if there's a second media but I think I have seen a larger pupa).

Edited by Serafine, May 27 2017 - 4:19 AM.