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Did Mikey Bustos ship ants?

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#21 Offline Solenoqueen - Posted November 1 2016 - 7:17 AM


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Man, if Mikey hadn't shown up...


#22 Offline AnthonyP163 - Posted November 2 2016 - 3:58 PM



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I find it funny that you try and publicly call out Mikey Bustos. What i can't figure out is your motive. What was your reason for publicly calling him out? Were you trying to diminish his appearance? And when you got shot down, you tell him “Sorry” like it’s going to make a difference to him.

To me, you did the opposite.
Piece of advice. Do your research before trying to call someone out. It’s perfectly legal to ship ants in Canada (You should know this…). Ontop of that, you know it’s possible to move ants without shipping them?

I find it a bit suspicious that it was in September, which is a time where you can find Pheidole (that would be just the end of their flights) as Tetramorium fly in the summer months, and usually not fall. I have found Tetramorium in September, but it's usually not common. It just seems like the size of the head, and the big build of the queen seems Pheidole. So, I think Canadian Anter may have a small reason to be suspicious, we can't hate on him for inquiring.

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#23 Offline AntsCanada - Posted November 2 2016 - 4:39 PM



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How do you mistake a tetramorium for pheidole?

It must have been the same experience level where you would think a camponotus major was a queen.

The queens look surprisingly similar.
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#24 Offline AntsCanada - Posted November 2 2016 - 4:40 PM



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I was going to suggest that maybe he did have ants shipped in the past.
Maybe his experience with the shipping of ants is what caused him to disallow it for GANproject members.

No, I have always kept local ants and have never shipped nor received shipped ants. Since the beginning I have sided with my myrmecologist friends on the stance.
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#25 Offline AntsCanada - Posted November 2 2016 - 4:43 PM



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To clarify, that ant was caught in my yard and was also incorrectly ID'd. I was a bit of an amateur in those years. This is a Tetramorium sp E queen.

Our GAN Project does not allow ants to be transported across Province borders nor to be mailed out to people (which can stress the ants and leaves them vulnerable to all sorts of dangers, e.g. the rough handling, overheating, etc.) All exchanges are made in person.

These are our principles and all our platforms on social media and otherwise instate these ant keeping ethics. There are other places to go if you would like to talk about keeping non-native ants like Antstore, etc but we won't/don't do it nor provide a venue for it.

Ant love forever!

Appears people here are questioning you a little lately huh? haha

Totally don't mind. It comes with the territory. Sadly, I can't come on the forums as much as I wish I could so for those who bring threads like this to my attention and even answer for me thanks so much.

Ant love forever. Forever drama free. :)
Ant love forever!

#26 Offline AntsCanada - Posted November 2 2016 - 4:44 PM



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Also, thanks Miles for the heads up on this!

Edited by AntsCanada, November 2 2016 - 4:45 PM.

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#27 Offline Solenoqueen - Posted November 2 2016 - 7:54 PM


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This might not be subjective to the current topic, but is the vertical omni nest suited for honeypot repletes?

Edited by Solenoqueen, November 2 2016 - 7:55 PM.


#28 Offline Mdrogun - Posted November 3 2016 - 4:00 PM


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This might not be subjective to the current topic, but is the vertical omni nest suited for honeypot repletes?

I would recommend you email them or at the very least make your own thread. I also feel like this question is kind of pointless. Can't you figure this out on your own?

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Currently Keeping:
Trachymyrmex septentrionalis

Pheidole pilifera

Forelius sp. (Monogynous, bicolored) "Midwestern Forelius"
Crematogaster cerasi

Pheidole bicarinata

Aphaenogaster rudis

Camponotus chromaiodes

Formica sp. (microgena species)

Nylanderia cf. arenivega

#29 Offline Solenoqueen - Posted November 3 2016 - 6:06 PM


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This might not be subjective to the current topic, but is the vertical omni nest suited for honeypot repletes?

I would recommend you email them or at the very least make your own thread. I also feel like this question is kind of pointless. Can't you figure this out on your own?


True that


#30 Offline Markesp83 - Posted November 11 2016 - 12:39 AM



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I gotta say I'm not experienced or possess the amount of knowledge that some of you have in regards to ant keeping hell i don't even know what ant is what just by name but besides finding ants very interesting what really got me hooked on this forum in the firs place was post like this one that contained a little drama here and there it makes for good reading lol that's all :)

#31 Offline goliat314 - Posted January 9 2017 - 4:49 PM



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How do you mistake a tetramorium for pheidole?

It must have been the same experience level where you would think a camponotus major was a queen.


They don't look THAT insanely different when you compare the queens side by side like this. (Tetramorium caespitum on the left and Pheidole pallidula on the right) 


#32 Offline Connectimyrmex - Posted January 9 2017 - 7:49 PM


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One thing. he's in Canada so it IS LEGAL but I just think it makes him a hypocrite

He's in the Philippines now. He used to live in Canada.

Also, I wonder if you get fined if an ant hitchhikes in luggage...

Hawaiiant (Ben)

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#33 Offline Batspiderfish - Posted January 9 2017 - 8:16 PM


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One thing. he's in Canada so it IS LEGAL but I just think it makes him a hypocrite

He's in the Philippines now. He used to live in Canada.

Also, I wonder if you get fined if an ant hitchhikes in luggage...

Depends on if you put it there.

If you've enjoyed using my expertise and identifications, please do not create undue ecological risk by releasing your ants. The environment which we keep our pet insects is alien and oftentimes unsanitary, so ensure that wild populations stay safe by giving your ants the best care you can manage for the rest of their lives, as we must do with any other pet.


Exotic ants are for those who think that vibrant diversity is something you need to pay money to see. It is illegal to transport live ants across state lines.



Black lives still matter.

#34 Offline Connectimyrmex - Posted January 9 2017 - 8:24 PM


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True. Also, I doubt an ant queen can hitchhike easily.

Hawaiiant (Ben)

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Solenopsis Geminata
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Anoplolepis Gracilipes
Technomyrmex Difficilis
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#35 Offline Martialis - Posted January 10 2017 - 9:38 AM


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You'd be surprised.


#36 Offline Batspiderfish - Posted January 10 2017 - 9:49 AM


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Since it has now been established that Mikey of AntsCanada did not import his Pheidole queen, which was actually Tetramorium, misidentified during his early years of ant-keeping, I feel that this topic is concluded.

Edited by Batspiderfish, January 10 2017 - 9:50 AM.

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If you've enjoyed using my expertise and identifications, please do not create undue ecological risk by releasing your ants. The environment which we keep our pet insects is alien and oftentimes unsanitary, so ensure that wild populations stay safe by giving your ants the best care you can manage for the rest of their lives, as we must do with any other pet.


Exotic ants are for those who think that vibrant diversity is something you need to pay money to see. It is illegal to transport live ants across state lines.



Black lives still matter.

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