Solenoqueen, on 31 Oct 2016 - 03:52 AM, said:
I don't know very many ant sellers in Winsconsin
My buddy is there. He's a GAN farmer.
XZero38, on 31 Oct 2016 - 2:42 PM, said:
Alabama Anter, on 31 Oct 2016 - 12:40 PM, said:
Lmao AC for real mate? I got the same IP ban. It was for advertising... Hey when I first started ant keeping I thought that u were trying to spread ant love... I know u still r but I think ur focused on ur company and money. We were just trying to spread ant love and do our hobbies... When I got banned from GAN, I was like boy I'm NOT IN GAN LMAOOOO!!! Then u banned from the forums... I started emailing u and it seemed it was all fixed. But NO u HAD to ban me AGAIN! Welp my griping is over! If u ever add me back, Formiculture be my bae
Well this was a huge pain in the butt to try and read. Please use actual english to convey your thoughts and feelings not texting short hand.
I agree with Zero and dspdrew on this one, also whether or not you should have been banned is really not my place, but alot of forums don't allow advertsing! Did he warn you, or just ban you? Perhaps that may have been a bit harsh if he hadn't warned you. But I guess rules are rules.
Ant Keeping & Ethology Discord - 2000+ Members and growing - order live ants legally in the US
If you want to go back on the forum simply use TOR. You can download it at this link if you're on PC
or you can download the app if you're on mobile.
Currently Keeping:
Trachymyrmex septentrionalis
Pheidole pilifera
Forelius sp. (Monogynous, bicolored) "Midwestern Forelius"
Crematogaster cerasi
Pheidole bicarinata
Aphaenogaster rudis
Camponotus chromaiodes
Formica sp. (microgena species)
Nylanderia cf. arenivega
You can also spoof your IP by changing the MAC address in your router settings. It's a lot simpler than opening up tor or using a VPN.
Hit "Like This" if it helped.
Anthony, quit complaining, please. It really shames me to see people to come crying and asking for a chance to advertise. Nothing against you Anthony, I'm sure your a good guy, who learned his lesson. You really can not advertise here either, unless you have permission. You can put your website on your profile, like drtrmiller, and he's pretty good. You learned your lesson, and this will keep happening to you if you don't. Good luck on!
Ant Keeping & Ethology Discord - 2000+ Members and growing - order live ants legally in the US
Solenoqueen, on 31 Oct 2016 - 9:10 PM, said:
in not trying to advertise. I asked if it was allowed because someone asked about my site.Anthony, quit complaining, please. It really shames me to see people to come crying and asking for a chance to advertise. Nothing against you Anthony, I'm sure your a good guy, who learned his lesson. You really can not advertise here either, unless you have permission. You can put your website on your profile, like drtrmiller, and he's pretty good. You learned your lesson, and this will keep happening to you if you don't. Good luck on!
Ant Keeping & Ethology Discord - 2000+ Members and growing - order live ants legally in the US
Solenoqueen, on 31 Oct 2016 - 9:10 PM, said:
You really can not advertise here either, unless you have permission.
Edited by drtrmiller, October 31 2016 - 1:17 PM.
No reason to speculate on what is and isn't allowed here; just read the rules. There is no rule that says you can't advertise here--even if it's for another forum. I recall removing a link only once because it was an advertisement for a website engaging in illegal ant sales. Technically even that is a gray area according to our rules. We just don't want any planning or coordinating of illegal activity taking place here. It would just open us up to a big pain in the butt we don't need.
Intraspecific competition among ant forums: Myth or fact?
Ant Keeping & Ethology Discord - 2000+ Members and growing - order live ants legally in the US
AnthonyP163, on 01 Nov 2016 - 12:16 AM, said:
K so it wouldn't be against the rules because we don't ship over borders.
Edited by drtrmiller, June 6 2017 - 11:50 PM.
Venomous, not poisonous. As far as I know there are none that are toxic if you eat them.
Ant Keeping & Ethology Discord - 2000+ Members and growing - order live ants legally in the US
AnthonyP163, on 31 Oct 2016 - 02:54 AM, said:
Well, this topic isn't meant to trash anyone, it's just explaining why I was banned from the AC forums. I don't want to start any fighting, so please just keep your opinion to yourself.
So, I decided to become a GAN farmer, and it was cool beans. I sold colonies, it helped get stress off my shoulders, everything was great.
So I started a little website to sell some ants, and also ant formicaria. Not gonna put it here because moderators might not be happy.
I shipped a Formica Subsericea Queen, and forgot that it was against the rules of GAN. That kind of where I messed up, and I don't blame them for banning me from GAN about that. They had every right to do that.
The thing that they shouldn't have done... Ban me from the forums. The reason I was banned was for "advertising" What!?!? I never advertised on the AC forums! They didn't have a good enough reason, so they just randomly banned me for "advertising". I was so, so mad. I know quite a few people on here also go to the AC Formus, you might have seen me there. This explains why I don't post.
Get this, it was a IP BAN!! Wow, they really didn't want me on their forums....
Please, don't fight about this. It isn't meant to offend, I just wanted to explain why I'm not there anymore.
I wouldn't want you on forums either. Shipping queens is unethical and dangerous to the ecosystem.
Socalfireants, on 31 Mar 2017 - 2:34 PM, said:
AnthonyP163, on 31 Oct 2016 - 02:54 AM, said:
I wouldn't want you on forums either. Shipping queens is unethical and dangerous to the ecosystem.
Well, this topic isn't meant to trash anyone, it's just explaining why I was banned from the AC forums. I don't want to start any fighting, so please just keep your opinion to yourself.
So, I decided to become a GAN farmer, and it was cool beans. I sold colonies, it helped get stress off my shoulders, everything was great.
So I started a little website to sell some ants, and also ant formicaria. Not gonna put it here because moderators might not be happy.
I shipped a Formica Subsericea Queen, and forgot that it was against the rules of GAN. That kind of where I messed up, and I don't blame them for banning me from GAN about that. They had every right to do that.
The thing that they shouldn't have done... Ban me from the forums. The reason I was banned was for "advertising" What!?!? I never advertised on the AC forums! They didn't have a good enough reason, so they just randomly banned me for "advertising". I was so, so mad. I know quite a few people on here also go to the AC Formus, you might have seen me there. This explains why I don't post.
Get this, it was a IP BAN!! Wow, they really didn't want me on their forums....
Please, don't fight about this. It isn't meant to offend, I just wanted to explain why I'm not there anymore.
Ant Keeping & Ethology Discord - 2000+ Members and growing - order live ants legally in the US
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