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My experience...

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66 replies to this topic

#1 Offline AnthonyP163 - Posted October 30 2016 - 6:54 PM



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Well, this topic isn't meant to trash anyone, it's just explaining why I was banned from the AC forums. I don't want to start any fighting, so please just keep your opinion to yourself.

So, I decided to become a GAN farmer, and it was cool beans. I sold colonies, it helped get stress off my shoulders, everything was great.

So I started a little website to sell some ants, and also ant formicaria. Not gonna put it here because moderators might not be happy.

I shipped a Formica Subsericea Queen, and forgot that it was against the rules of GAN. That kind of where I messed up, and I don't blame them for banning me from GAN about that. They had every right to do that.

The thing that they shouldn't have done... Ban me from the forums. The reason I was banned was for "advertising" What!?!? I never advertised on the AC forums! They didn't have a good enough reason, so they just randomly banned me for "advertising". I was so, so mad. I know quite a few people on here also go to the AC Formus, you might have seen me there. This explains why I don't post.

Get this, it was a IP BAN!! Wow, they really didn't want me on their forums....

Please, don't fight about this. It isn't meant to offend, I just wanted to explain why I'm not there anymore.

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#2 Offline AntsCanada - Posted October 30 2016 - 7:22 PM



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Not going to asd to the fire, but just wanted to say it was with sadness that we had to ban you from the forums. As you know we take the breaking of our GAN rules seriously. Our team voted on it and we decided it was best to carry the ban onto our forums, as well as GAN Project. I considered both you and the other member who was banned friends, but as a group trying our best to create opportunities for the ant community while also instating rules to promote responsible ant keeping, we had to do this. The proof that was brought to our attention by others was undeniable breaking of our rules. Thanks for understanding and hope you continue to exercise responsible ant keeping practices.
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Ant love forever!

#3 Offline AnthonyP163 - Posted October 30 2016 - 7:28 PM



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I don't blame you, I should've paid more attention to the rules.

I just don't think that I was advertising...

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#4 Offline Solenoqueen - Posted October 30 2016 - 7:37 PM


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Hey Mikey :3

Sorry Anthony :(


#5 Offline MrPurpleB - Posted October 30 2016 - 7:39 PM


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Where were you selling ant queen? What state?

Maybe I am nearby.

#6 Offline Solenoqueen - Posted October 30 2016 - 7:39 PM


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Where were you selling ant queen? What state?

Maybe I am nearby.

Same man


#7 Offline AnthonyP163 - Posted October 30 2016 - 7:45 PM



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*sigh* won't sell anymore unless it's in my state. we're making a little thing that's closely related to GAN, pretty much just a different name.

You can ship, but the rules are, the queen has to fertile (she can have brood or workers) and in the packaging must be: steady air, soft padding (cotton, etc.) and food and water if needed.

If the majority of the workers die, or the queen, the buyer either gets a refund, or another colony.

Also, no shipping over borders!

Shipping ants can go wrong, so try to make sure they have all of these things, and make sure that there aren't any extreme heat or cold at the time.

I'm not sure if I should tell the site because it might turn into a big problem, unless your allowed to.

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#8 Offline Solenoqueen - Posted October 30 2016 - 7:49 PM


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What state do you live in, then...


#9 Offline AnthonyP163 - Posted October 30 2016 - 7:49 PM



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#10 Offline Solenoqueen - Posted October 30 2016 - 7:52 PM


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I don't know very many ant sellers in Winsconsin


#11 Offline Canadian anter - Posted October 30 2016 - 9:17 PM

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I think that you should change one thing. You are allowed to sell possibly infertile queens but it must be marked in bold to make sure the buyer knows that he/she is taking a risk
Visit us at www.canada-ant-colony.com !

#12 Offline Solenoqueen - Posted October 30 2016 - 9:23 PM


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Or get a permit...


#13 Offline AnthonyP163 - Posted October 31 2016 - 3:25 AM



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I think that you should change one thing. You are allowed to sell possibly infertile queens but it must be marked in bold to make sure the buyer knows that he/she is taking a risk

Those would probably only be if the seller doesn't have anymore colonies to sell.

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#14 Offline jasond1979 - Posted October 31 2016 - 4:36 AM


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Well at least you can post here

#15 Offline Alabama Anter - Posted October 31 2016 - 4:40 AM

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Lmao AC for real mate? I got the same IP ban. It was for advertising... Hey when I first started ant keeping I thought that u were trying to spread ant love... I know u still r but I think ur focused on ur company and money. We were just trying to spread ant love and do our hobbies... When I got banned from GAN, I was like boy I'm NOT IN GAN LMAOOOO!!! Then u banned from the forums... I started emailing u and it seemed it was all fixed. But NO u HAD to ban me AGAIN! Welp my griping is over! If u ever add me back, Formiculture be my bae


#16 Offline dspdrew - Posted October 31 2016 - 6:31 AM

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Lmao AC for real m8? I got the same IP ban. It was for advertising... Hey when I first started ant keeping I thought that u were trying to spread ant love... I know u still r but I think ur focused on ur company and money. We were just trying to spread ant love and do our hobbies... When I got banned from GAN, I was like boi IM NOT IN GAN LMAOOOO!!! Then u banned from the forums... I started emailing u and it seemed it was all fixed. But NO u HAD to ban me AGAIN! Welp my griping is over! If u ever add me back, Formiculture be my bae


If you don't stop breaking the rules here too, you might be looking for yet another forum.

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#17 Offline sgheaton - Posted October 31 2016 - 6:39 AM


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"I'm the search bar! Type questions into me and I'll search within the forums for an answer!"

#18 Offline Loops117 - Posted October 31 2016 - 6:41 AM


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Just wondering, what was the advertising?

#19 Offline XZero38 - Posted October 31 2016 - 6:42 AM


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Lmao AC for real mate? I got the same IP ban. It was for advertising... Hey when I first started ant keeping I thought that u were trying to spread ant love... I know u still r but I think ur focused on ur company and money. We were just trying to spread ant love and do our hobbies... When I got banned from GAN, I was like boy I'm NOT IN GAN LMAOOOO!!! Then u banned from the forums... I started emailing u and it seemed it was all fixed. But NO u HAD to ban me AGAIN! Welp my griping is over! If u ever add me back, Formiculture be my bae

Well this was a huge pain in the butt to try and read. Please use actual english to convey your thoughts and feelings not texting short hand.

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#20 Offline drtrmiller - Posted October 31 2016 - 6:54 AM



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We have heard from a number of former users who were banned from these forums, and we have been told that the reason for the ban was that those individuals had advertised another antkeeping forum or product on the forum in question.


In several cases, there is compelling evidence of the veracity of the claims. In at least one instance, there is a cached history of a post linking to a competing forum that was removed, where the user was subsequently banned.  In another instance, one or more forum users have publicly scolded others for posting links to or mentioning certain competing products. Those are the facts we have at the moment. Along with the new allegations, one may assert that a pattern of behavior appears to be emerging.


More verifiable information is needed in order to form an educated opinion on the matter.  Until then, we should avoid rushing to judgment.

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