My quasi scientific approach.
6 cups labeled and each with a very different sand based substrate.
1. Sifted river sand (flows like water when dry)
2. Brickies sand (high clay content, stiff out of the bag, hard to get it to fill crevaces)
3. Washed sand. (Also a little stiff, marked as suitable for kids sand pits , almost white, very crystalline)
4. 1/2 brickies 1/2 river (seems to have the best of both types, holds shape but fills crevaces easily enough)
5. 1/2 brickies 1/2 washed. (Has the worst of both)
6. 1/2 sifted river sand 1/2 washed sand. ( not much better than 5)
All are very similar amounts in identical cups with 4 pin holes in the bottom. They are resting in a tray filled with water. I have a vacuum reservoir to keep the water at a constant level (like an auto dog water bowl)
They all have the lid of a small Petrie dish that holds a soaked cotton ball. I placed 10 ants in each 1-4 got 10 that were foraging. 5 got 4 foragers and 6 that I had to provoke out of the nest by blowing into it through a straw. 6 got 10 provoked ants.
After removing 60 ants from my formicarium I can not notice the population drop.. I may have guessed the number wrong.
The idea behind this experiment is to test which substrate supports their digging activities the best. I know there are flaws but I am hoping that I can at least get some results.
Tomorrow I will check to see if I can grade the sands on their moisture absorption by checking how high the water has wicked up.