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Natural Formicariums?


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#1 Offline Martin - Posted October 19 2016 - 7:32 PM



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Hi, I am new to ant keeping and looking to get into it.

I've researched, but I haven't found a ton of info on how to do a natural formicarium, there are some things here and there but nothing very solid.

I'm looking to do a natural one only at the moment, so any suggestions would be awesome!

#2 Offline chickenman297 - Posted October 19 2016 - 8:08 PM


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Jordan from Ants Australia set up a naturalistic terrarium which was pretty cool looking



Not sure if this is what you are looking for, but it is interesting to watch.

#3 Offline T.C. - Posted October 19 2016 - 8:40 PM


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Hi and welcome to the forum. I love designing and making formicariums. I personally try to make them as natural as possible and when i do I like to use grout. I like to make grout nests with a tube leading from the nest to the out world and pour cement all around the grout nest and tube. This gives it a very natural look. After i pour the cement, I like to use rocks or sand and put them on top of the cement. Then add some fake plants, Then the tube that pokes out of the cement that leads to the nest part I cut down to the cements level. So I have the nest and the out world in one container. It saves space! Does this make any sense or... no?


Check out this, this is kind of what I mean. This is the works of one of crystals many creations, a awesome member here.



Only I would use grout in place of the clay and cement

Edited by T.C., October 19 2016 - 8:42 PM.


#4 Offline Crystals - Posted October 20 2016 - 7:03 AM


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Are you looking at a natural formicarium, foraging area, or both?

I have found that foraging areas with live plants are very hard to clean and maintain with larger colonies. Although I have seen several people use them. I mostly make mine with sand coated grout, plastic plants, rocks, and twigs.


I have used all sorts of substances for formicariums, but prefer the ones with pre-carved tunnels as it makes observation much easier.

I have used sand and let the ants build their own nests - http://www.formicult...d-formicarium/ But I found my ability to observe them was limited and never repeated the experiment.


If you are after a box of dirt that they can form tunnels freely in, I suggest looking up some of drew's threads (dspdrew).

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