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Eggs not hatching

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#1 Offline Djordje - Posted October 8 2018 - 6:27 AM



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My lasius Niger queen have eggs for about 3 weeks and they didn't turn in larva. I don't know is she eating them or not. I keep her in dark place i check her every 1-2 weeks, so she is probalby not stressed. The temperature is about 22°c. I don't know what is happening.I need help!


#2 Offline KBant - Posted October 8 2018 - 2:20 PM


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get a heating cable and warm up on side of the nest, shoot for closer to 30 celsius. offer more protein as well, a cricket or worm they enjoy eating every 1-2 days will help big time! larva need protein for gainz. 

#3 Offline TheRealAntMan - Posted October 8 2018 - 3:54 PM


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get a heating cable and warm up on side of the nest, shoot for closer to 30 celsius. offer more protein as well, a cricket or worm they enjoy eating every 1-2 days will help big time! larva need protein for gainz. 

Fully claustral queens in their founding stages don't need food. It's best to leave her alone for a good 2-3 weeks and let her be. It might be a hard wait but a rewarding result.

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