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Question about moving larvae of same species

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#1 Offline KaptainKibs - Posted October 18 2016 - 3:51 PM



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So I have a Solenopsis Invicta colony, and I was wondering what would happen if say you went outside and saw an invicta colony and took some larvae from there to put in your own colony. What would happen? Would the ants kill the larvae? When the larvae hatches will it attack the queen and workers? Thanks

#2 Offline CamponotusLover - Posted October 18 2016 - 4:09 PM


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Idk about larvae. But I do know often times people will take eggs and give it to a colony and sometimes the colony will adopt the eggs.

#3 Offline KaptainKibs - Posted October 18 2016 - 4:14 PM



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Idk about larvae. But I do know often times people will take eggs and give it to a colony and sometimes the colony will adopt the eggs.


#4 Offline CamponotusLover - Posted October 18 2016 - 4:16 PM


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Idk about larvae. But I do know often times people will take eggs and give it to a colony and sometimes the colony will adopt the eggs.



B) xd your welcome!

#5 Offline Alabama Anter - Posted October 18 2016 - 6:49 PM

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Idk about larvae. But I do know often times people will take eggs and give it to a colony and sometimes the colony will adopt the eggs.

Hold the phone!!!!!!!!! This info is not right. It will vary but all my invicta colonies accept any brood from the same species so it doesn't matter although pupae is preferred.


#6 Offline Canadian anter - Posted October 18 2016 - 6:54 PM

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This can work even with different species though it is not recommended
Visit us at www.canada-ant-colony.com !

#7 Offline MichiganAnts - Posted October 18 2016 - 6:57 PM


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well from what i know you are referring to brood boosting. and yes you can do it as long as its the same type of ants. 

Owner of MichiganAnts, a YouTube Channel dedicated to all my Michigan colonies found and raise in my backyard





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#8 Offline CamponotusLover - Posted October 18 2016 - 7:06 PM


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Idk about larvae. But I do know often times people will take eggs and give it to a colony and sometimes the colony will adopt the eggs.

Hold the phone!!!!!!!!! This info is not right. It will vary but all my invicta colonies accept any brood from the same species so it doesn't matter although pupae is preferred.


....How was I wrong? I said "I don't know about larvae" not "not the larvae" :/ 

#9 Offline KaptainKibs - Posted October 18 2016 - 7:40 PM



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Thanks for the responses guys!

#10 Offline LC3 - Posted October 18 2016 - 7:45 PM


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Pupae is generally preferred and is usually what people go after. Pupae is  just much more safer and easier to obtain than eggs. (If you can even find them amidst the substrate)

#11 Offline Alabama Anter - Posted October 18 2016 - 8:36 PM

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Idk about larvae. But I do know often times people will take eggs and give it to a colony and sometimes the colony will adopt the eggs.

Hold the phone!!!!!!!!! This info is not right. It will vary but all my invicta colonies accept any brood from the same species so it doesn't matter although pupae is preferred.
....How was I wrong? I said "I don't know about larvae" not "not the larvae" :/
Meh I guess u weren't wrong but just gave him bad info


#12 Offline Reacker - Posted October 18 2016 - 8:54 PM


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His information was generally correct and good. While "eggs" might be slightly too generic a term considering that most people use larvae or pupae rather than eggs for boosting, the correct concept gets across quite nicely. There was nothing wrong or bad about what he said. 

#13 Offline Alabama Anter - Posted October 19 2016 - 4:35 AM

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His information was generally correct and good. While "eggs" might be slightly too generic a term considering that most people use larvae or pupae rather than eggs for boosting, the correct concept gets across quite nicely. There was nothing wrong or bad about what he said.

On my other post I said he was technically right but forgot to put in some stuff


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