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Formicarium IN outworld- help needed

formicarium outworld

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#1 Offline CamponotusLover - Posted October 7 2016 - 6:57 PM


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So I have been planning to do one of those outworlds that has a formicarium inside of it. Y'know? Anyhow. I want to make the formicarium out of grout. And the surface of the outworld out of soil. But I want to make sure my ants don't dig in the soil. Any suggestion on how to keep them from digging in the soil? Here is a picture of what kind of Formicarium-in-Outworld looks like just in case you don't know.


BUT WAIT! that's NOT ALL! I know you are looking at this and thinking "Well there's your anwser, just make a thin layer of soil above the grout" well I can't use too much grout because it is expensive BUT. I can use a decent amount to make like 2-3 inches think of grout. so enough to make decently sized tunnels. But I still have a decent amount of space inside the rest of the outworld. Any ideas?

#2 Offline Kevin - Posted October 8 2016 - 3:37 AM


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Make a 4x4 formicarium and silicone it to the front of an outworld like the tha fortress formicarium. Also, where did you find that formicarium in the picture?

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#3 Offline CamponotusLover - Posted October 8 2016 - 8:10 AM


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Make a 4x4 formicarium and silicone it to the front of an outworld like the tha fortress formicarium. Also, where did you find that formicarium in the picture?

I don't want to glue it to the front. I want it inside. Well. I think I got a solution anyway, Maybe I will place the formicarium inside. And for the rest of the space in the outworld I will put like a brick. And at the very top I will add a thin layer of soil. Thanks though!

Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: formicarium, outworld

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