First timer here, I am hoping someone can help identify these two queens.
Queen 1:
1. Location of collection: Maryland (Near DC)
2. Date of collection: 9/20
3. Habitat of collection: edges of my yard
4. Length (from head to gaster): 11-12 mm
5. Color, hue, pattern and texture: can't tell
6. Distinguishing characteristics: The gaster is a bit transparent.
7. Distinguishing behavior: none
8. Nest description: very small mounds
Probably a Lasius of some sort.
Queen 2:
1. Location of collection: Maryland (Near DC)
2. Date of collection: 9/20
3. Habitat of collection: In my driveway and on the asphalt.
4. Length (from head to gaster): 5.5mm
5. Color, hue, pattern and texture: can't tell -- light coloration
6. Distinguishing characteristics: The gaster is a bit transparent and bulging.
7. Distinguishing behavior: seems to love water
8. Nest description: didn't see a nest
So far I have gotten Solenopsis, Tetramorium, Brachymymex, Monomorium, Tapinoma
Thanks for the help!
Edited by dspdrew, September 21 2016 - 1:37 PM.
Fixed images