Hello all,
I seem to forgotten to introduce myself as I was just so excited and impressed by the vast amount of info available here I just had to start reading. I have posted a few times but mostly I have been reading. lets see a little about myself, I am not too good at registering names, I like ants, lives in Arizona, and I am 27 years old. I have had ant fever for about 4 months now.
A little about my ants. I have found queens of 3 ant species, Pogonomyrmex rugosus, Solenopsis invicta, and what I think is a Brachymyrmex sp. (I would try to id them if I had a better camera, they are so tiny!) All the fire ants died, probably my fault as I sorta rushed into this. Half of my Pogonomyrmex's have died, at least partially my fault but they also seem to not do to well in captivity from some of the posts I have read. As for my Brachymyrmex I have 4 queens in total but only one has workers,12 of them. All standard test tube setups.
Looking forward to reading more of the available content, thank you contributors.