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Looking to buy queens in Texas

buy queen texas looking

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#1 Offline CaptainRedBeardd - Posted September 29 2016 - 8:13 AM



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Hello everyone, I'm not sure if the single Solenopsis Invicta queen I have caught so far is going to be reliable in laying eggs so, I am in the market since I don't think any other nuptial flights will be happening this year.


Really looking for a medium to large size species. I would LOVE to get my hands on a Pogonomyrmex Rugosus queen or small colony. I'm in West Texas. I can meet but, I would really like to keep it shorter than a 4 hours round trip for either me or for us to meet. I don't think anyone wants to drive more than 4 hours to sell their queen.. I could also set up an overnight shipping option if you're okay with that. I get UPS at my work at 10 am so they would be in my hands in no time. I can ship a small box with bubble wrap and such to you with return service added so you just put the queen in and take it to your nearest UPS store.


Let me know what kind of queens or small colonies you have for sale!




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#2 Offline SoloThisPlayer - Posted October 11 2016 - 4:11 AM



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Hello CaptainRed, I currently live in Texas right now too in the Little Elm to Frisco Area. When i start getting queens, we can meet up somewhere near me and you can buy and i can sell. Keep me posted! 

Ants Being Kept:

Solenopsis Invicta

#3 Offline CaptainRedBeardd - Posted October 11 2016 - 5:18 AM



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Hello CaptainRed, I currently live in Texas right now too in the Little Elm to Frisco Area. When i start getting queens, we can meet up somewhere near me and you can buy and i can sell. Keep me posted! 

Well, hopefully by the time you start catching queens, I will have some good ones. Haha. But hey, maybe we can do some trades if we happen to have queens of different kinds in our areas!

#4 Offline Agonzalez4771 - Posted January 30 2017 - 12:43 PM



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Hi Guys...


I'm in South Texas, Harlingen TX to be exact. I will be on the look out for queens as well. I can keep you posted this coming season of anything I find that I will not be using myself, and if you have any queens I'm interested in, we can work something out. 

1 colony of Neoponera Villosa

1 colony of Leptogenys Elongata

1 colony of red black Camponotus

1 Pachycondyla harpax Queen

1 Solenopsis Queen

#5 Offline Kdawg.megs - Posted March 6 2017 - 6:58 AM



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In Austin, looking for a colony.  Does anyone know how I could go about getting one? 


#6 Offline Bracchymyrmex - Posted March 6 2017 - 11:33 AM



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Read up on nuptial flights, there are bound to be many in Texas at this time of year. Watch AntsCanada's youtube channel for helpful tips on catching queens and check out the thread for catching queens right on this forum. How convenient! 



#7 Offline Superant33 - Posted March 6 2017 - 2:28 PM


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You can catch S. invicta almost year round after it rains. A rain during the summer months is a guarantee, for invicta anyway. Look for C. sayi queens on warm days in February (usually the first really warm day in February). Unfortunately, that may be your only chance at natives in Austin. If you want interesting native ants (Pogonomyrmex, honey pots, pheidole) you are going to have to drive. After a summer rain, get in your car and drive to areas that have undisturbed habitat.

#8 Offline Superant33 - Posted March 6 2017 - 2:30 PM


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Obviously I meant that the C. sayi were native. The omnipresent invicta can rot in hell (and are not native).

#9 Offline Alabama Anter - Posted March 6 2017 - 7:44 PM

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Obviously I meant that the C. sayi were native. The omnipresent invicta can rot in hell (and are not native).

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#10 Offline Rsirvin - Posted May 20 2017 - 10:58 PM



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Hey Texas folks! I am currently living in Southeast texas. I have 4 S. Invicta for sale right now. I just sold my C. Pennsylvanicus queen but I should have a few more Camponotus queens in the next couple weeks. I created a facebook group for Texas residents only. The group name is Texas Ant Keepers. Just search and ask to join and ill invite. Its a newer group so I am working on getting more members. I will also post when i have more queens for sale. We would love to have yall. Also 2 of my sisters live near the frisco area and i drive to Tyler TX, a lot to visit family. Hope to talk to yall soon!! Thanks!

#11 Offline tbaloni40 - Posted May 26 2017 - 12:38 PM



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Hello, I'm looking for an atta Texana queen and places to look for them in Texas if you could give me some pointers, tips, and places to look for them that would be awsome. 



Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: buy, queen, texas, looking

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