Stardate 9.27.2016 The queen has arrived!
My queen was sold by a GAN seller near my town. Once home i decided to keep the formicarium on my computer desk where i can check it out once in a while while gaming on my pc. I keep checking on them about every 5 minutes. The seller told me that they havent had any food today so i took it apon myself after watching them for ~30 minutes to find a worthy snack. I go outside and i see a rolly-polly.. i pick it up and think about the process of smashing it and ripping it apart. i decide against it and put it back. i then spot it... an EAR WIG!! I go back inside and grab my tweezers and grab it, pull its head off and its pinchers aswell. i then bring it to the nest. now it was a rather big ear wig so i decided against giving the whole body in 1 night, considering i wasnt sure how i was going to clean it up. so i rip the body in 2. the main body and the butt (thorax?). i then tilt the nest alittle and unplug the hole.. and slide the butt in. i quickly close it and all goes well. after a few seconds my workers notice a new smell in the nest. and 2 run in to investigate. then soon pull it out of the tube and into the main chamber where the whole colony begins to feast.
after about an hour they have stopped feeding, obviously full and tired. I'm sure when i wake the thorax will be ripped apart. I did make 1 funny mistake, my flashlight i use to look for the eggs also has a laser pointer. well i was checking on the eggs and clicked it off, or so i thought. i turned on the laser right in front of the queen. I'm sure it scared her! she got into a very defensive posture for a moment but then calmed down once i saw what i did and turned it off. I then threw away the mid section of the ear wig, since i didn't want a twitching half body of a bug on my desk all night.
I am starting to noticing some personality in my ants. My queen is a dork and like to do fun things with her workers.its kinda hard to see but that is my queen using a worker as a lazy-boy chair while laying on her side to sleep.
I have such high hopes for this queen and her young. As i type this the queen has had enough of making fun of her workers and has got off her worker-lazy-boy and is now back over her eggs. Tomorrow i plan to try and feed them some sugar water or some other sweet. and make a cover so that way they can have some privacy, even though my room is naturally dark during the day.
This will be updated whenever i notice something of note, which I'm sure ill be updating alot since this is my first and everything is so new and exciting. tomorrow I'm also going to try and film them with either my phone or HD webcam.