I'm Kerensa and I live in Lakeville Ny, which is on the north shore of Lake Conesus- the most western of the finger lakes. I am an artist and Anthropology student.
I am new to the world of ant keeping- very new- so new in fact that I do not yet have any ants at all!! I have done a good deal of research however and Although I don't feel 100% confident quite yet, I'm going to have a look see and hope to find a queen or two. I'm told that in this area its not yet too late. I'm a bit torn on this. In one way I'd rather wait till I'm quite confident and 100% sure I know exactly what to do- and on the other hand I don't really want to have to wait a whole year, or even nearly one! I don't have much hope as I'm fairly certain the mating flights are over, but having been told that warm fall days are still an option I shall look.
I'm really quite sure that I want Lasius niger. really. honestly. I have a whole host of reasons! First is that they seem ideally suited to beginners. From what the care sheets say they are quite forgiving of things that other species would find quite unacceptable from a new friend, This is really good news because I'm sure to make some sort of dreadful well-meaning mistake. Second is they are native to my area, indeed to my very yard even! I really do not want any sort that is not native to my area, even if they are already introduced. No dreams of Fire ants, trap-jaw or soldier ants... no need for my own ecological disaster waiting to happen... even if I could find a source within New York. Third is they are active and full of energy. Watching them outside I'm quite jealous- If only I had such energy. and last but not least is they are beautiful. Part of that perception is they are very much what I see in my head when I think ant. Many species I look at and they just don't inspire the same response.
I'm looking forward to talking with people here.