Also the color difference bugs my OCD side a bit, need to find some PLA filament the same color of the Hydrostone Then again ants will make a mess eventually anyways, so will just ignore it.
Looking forward to taking them out of hibernation in a couple months. But will be a bit before they will be added to this. I have all the parts I need for the new 3D printer I am putting together to go up to 300x300mm prints (well a bit less since won't go edge to edge.) Coworker is cutting the aluminum rails for me hopefully this weekend or next, then I can start assembling that.
Next design: Find a better vinyl tubing adapter to pass thru the side of a container like an outworld. If I print a two part adapter with ABS I can use acetone to glue in place, but after printing PLA for awhile, really don't want to go back to ABS.
Edited by noebl1, January 21 2017 - 1:41 PM.