You nailed it. Cool scorpions. Need to be kept very dry.
Haha, it was the first thing I saw when I got out of my truck.
I had one of these years ago as a pet (ahhh my younger days...) From what I recall it really likes to burrow and hide. I only typically saw it at night; I hadn't realized it died for awhile as couldn't tell the difference as rarely saw it.
So is it a giant scorpion in a tiny boxbox or is the thing that big that it fills out the entire box. Can it turn around?
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So is it a giant scorpion in a tiny boxbox or is the thing that big that it fills out the entire box. Can it turn around?
That looks a little small. Also, you might want to put a large flat rock for it to burrow under.
Keeper of:
Camponotus Vicinus
Prenolepis Imparis
Tetramorium Sp. E x2
They dig their burrows in the dirt.
how compacted is the dirt? desert hairy scorpions have really strong claws meant for digging through almost sandstone level hardness
Yeah I read that. Once fully dried, the dirt should be pretty hard.
It seems to have more potent venom than those others. You can tell how powerful their venom is by how fat their stinger is, and how thin their pincers are. For example, one that uses its pincers/claws more will have a smaller "ball" around its stinger, while the ones with the larger "ball" use their venom more than their underdeveloped pincers (compared to less venomous scorpions).
Hadrurus is fairly mild as scorpions go. A sting will smart a bit but not going to put you on your [censored]. Claw and sting size is not a good indicator of toxicity.
Huh. Didn't know that . Shows how much I know about arachnids.
Cool scorpion, the name is a bit of a tongue twister though.
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