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Should we keep the Up and Down vote system, or just go back to "likes"? (It's been changed back, but vote anyway)

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34 replies to this topic

Poll: Should we keep the Up and Down vote system, or just go back to "likes"? (It's been changed back, but vote anyway) (48 member(s) have cast votes)

Should we keep the Up and Down vote system, or just go back to "likes"? (It's been changed back, but vote anyway)

  1. Yes, I love it. (9 votes [18.00%] - View)

    Percentage of vote: 18.00%

  2. Sure, it's okay. (6 votes [12.00%] - View)

    Percentage of vote: 12.00%

  3. I don't care either way. (12 votes [24.00%] - View)

    Percentage of vote: 24.00%

  4. Nah, I don't like it. (12 votes [24.00%] - View)

    Percentage of vote: 24.00%

  5. No, it's horrible. (11 votes [22.00%] - View)

    Percentage of vote: 22.00%

Vote Guests cannot vote

#21 Offline Tpro4 - Posted September 8 2016 - 7:41 PM


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what's wrond with reacker's reputation -2.147billin

There's nothing wrong at all. It's that I had so many reputation points from being so consistently and unbelievably amazing at all times that my rep overflowed the computational limits and the server was forced to take preventative measures against this happening in the future by setting me at such a low rep level that it will have weeks of time to prepare for the next time I hit the limit.
It's all really quite simple and obvious, I'm surprised that you had troubles understanding it and had to ask.

I don't think that is how it works, but whatever floats your boat.
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#22 Offline T.C. - Posted January 6 2017 - 11:06 AM


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I apologize for bringing this back up, but the forum has changed significantly within the past few months and I think adding the dislike button maybe getting necessary. Just this week I have came across a few posts that I did not like at all. I know a few people have mentioned we could just comment what we don't like about it. However I have found that results in a argument and is not very ideal. if I had a dislike button, then I could just hit that and it's all said and done. There is no argument. Also I don't know how people feel about there reputation count, but some may be a little more cautious when posting if they think it will knock down there reputation.


Just a thought.




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#23 Offline Serafine - Posted January 6 2017 - 11:32 AM


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Makes an A or B question, gives Yes or No answers. Top kek.




Do not add a disklike button. All that would do is to increase toxicity, resulting in a rapid downwards spiral.

We have a report button. If anything is violating forum rules use that one.

Edited by Serafine, January 6 2017 - 11:33 AM.

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We should respect all forms of consciousness. The body is just a vessel, a mere hull.

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#24 Offline 1000101011 - Posted January 6 2017 - 11:46 AM



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feels weird having a positive reputation

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#25 Offline T.C. - Posted January 6 2017 - 11:50 AM


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Makes an A or B question, gives Yes or No answers. Top kek.




Do not add a disklike button. All that would do is to increase toxicity, resulting in a rapid downwards spiral.

We have a report button. If anything is violating forum rules use that one.

Allow me to make a example quote that is worth disliking but can't be reported because no rules were broken. This is just an example qoute of things I and everyone see's on the forum.


"How should I kill my insects to feed them to my ants?"


(response) "Oh, well first I smash their heads!!!! :kill: :kill: :kill: Then I let the ants chew on em."


These are some of the responses I see, (not mentioning no names) but no rule was broken so you can't report it? And if I saywhat i thought about this persons post, it may start an argument!


Once again, this is just my opinion and the way i view it.

Edited by T.C., January 6 2017 - 11:50 AM.

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#26 Offline Serafine - Posted January 6 2017 - 12:07 PM


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What's the problem? The Smilies are a bit hyperbole but if they're the problem you would have to ask why we do need this sort of smiley in this forum in the first place.

The rest of the statement is pretty accurate.

Edited by Serafine, January 6 2017 - 12:08 PM.

We should respect all forms of consciousness. The body is just a vessel, a mere hull.

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#27 Offline T.C. - Posted January 6 2017 - 12:10 PM


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What's the problem? The Smilies are a bit hyperbole but if they're the problem you would have to ask why we do need this sort of smiley in this forum in the first place.

The rest of the statement is pretty accurate.

lol, well I didn't want to make it too gruesome. :D But I think this is chat talk. Not something that needs to be on the forum.


#28 Offline 1000101011 - Posted January 6 2017 - 12:22 PM



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:kill:  %)  

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#29 Offline Kevin - Posted January 6 2017 - 12:23 PM


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I originally thought of it as a way to control the posts. If you perhaps are selling things and are as despicable as Reaker, you should expect no sales.  :D

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Hit "Like This" if it helped.

#30 Offline Serafine - Posted January 6 2017 - 12:24 PM


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We're in an ANTKEEPING forum.

Most ants eat insects, no matter if they're dead or alive. Some ants even eat dead hamsters.

So that's a perfectly fine question. And the answer is also perfectly fine, except for the smileys, which - for whatever reason - are actually in the stock forum smiley list.


If you can't deal with a little gruesomeness you shouldn't do antkeeping.

  • BugFinder likes this

We should respect all forms of consciousness. The body is just a vessel, a mere hull.

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#31 Offline T.C. - Posted January 6 2017 - 12:29 PM


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We're in an ANTKEEPING forum.

Most ants eat insects, no matter if they're dead or alive. Some ants even eat dead hamsters.

So that's a perfectly fine question. And the answer is also perfectly fine, except for the smileys, which - for whatever reason - are actually in the stock forum smiley list.


If you can't deal with a little gruesomeness you shouldn't do antkeeping.

Sorry serafine, maybe that was a bad example, but i think you are missing the big picture here. Alot of posts around here are just plain stupid. So maybe like reacker said we need some strict mods for a week or something else. But the forum is getting worse.


#32 Offline Goldsystem - Posted January 24 2017 - 2:51 PM


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I only joined the forum back in April of 2016 and I have noticed a rapid change, while I don't think a dislike button is the best idea (because people can misuse it) in the near future the mods may need to become stricter. I really do like how much freedom there is on formicultre but sometimes people take advantage of that.
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#33 Offline BugFinder - Posted January 29 2020 - 2:45 PM


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These are some of the responses I see, (not mentioning no names) but no rule was broken so you can't report it? And if I saywhat i thought about this persons post, it may start an argument!




Once again, this is just my opinion and the way i view it.



Are arguments bad?  Isn't that an opportunity to learn from each other?

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“If an ant carries an object a hundred times its weight, you can carry burdens many times your size.”  ― Matshona Dhliwayo


My Journals:

Pogonomyrmex subdentatus

Camponotus Vicinus

Camponotus sansabeanus

Tetramorium (sp)

Pogonomyrmex Californicus

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#34 Offline Somethinghmm - Posted January 29 2020 - 4:03 PM


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These are some of the responses I see, (not mentioning no names) but no rule was broken so you can't report it? And if I saywhat i thought about this persons post, it may start an argument!




Once again, this is just my opinion and the way i view it.



Are arguments bad?  Isn't that an opportunity to learn from each other?


The last reply to this topic is a little over 3 years old..

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#35 Offline Antennal_Scrobe - Posted January 29 2020 - 4:18 PM


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I usually "like" any answers to my questions or responses to my advice, just to show acknowledgement that I saw the comment and approved of it. I worry that a "dislike" button would be used mainly against new or younger users who might make annoying or misguided posts, but who could easily be pointed kindly in the right direction, therefore deterring them from getting involved in this community or even the hobby as a whole. Formiculture really isn't a toxic place at all in my opinion, just a tight-knit community of people who all know and understand ants very thoroughly, and can get annoyed easily when someone shows up who doesn't. However, if a new user received dislikes rather than informative comments in response to a post, they might (perhaps rightfully) conclude that this forum is a toxic place in general and avoid it. Of course, a "dislike" button would also be used mercilessly in those threads, you know, the ones where someone asks a seemingly innocuous question about exotic ants, and then everyone piles on to fight each other for two days about something they mostly all agree on. I've only ever seen one post that really needed a dislike, and that was a WEIRD tirade about how support for native bees over honey bees is the result of "snowflake teachings"!


I figured out how old this thread was, but I already spent a lot of time writing this, so I'm just going to post it anyway. 

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Currently keeping:


Tetramorium immigrans, Pogonomyrmex occidentalis

Myrmica punctiventris, Formica subsericea

Formica pallidefulva, Aphaeogaster cf. rudis

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Camponotus nearcticus

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