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Bee population rising in my area

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#1 Offline AntsMAN - Posted August 7 2016 - 9:28 AM


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Anyone else noticing an increase in the bee population. Compared to last year there must be 5 to 10x the amount.

Possibly the hot weather killing off the mites that are affecting the bee's?

Current queens/colonies

Camponotus novaeboracensis x2

Camponotus pennsylvanicus x2

Camponotus herculeanus x1

Formica sp. x1

Lasius americanus x1  (Lasius alienus)

Lasius neoniger x1

Crematogastor cerasi x1

Myrmica sp. x1









#2 Offline Vendayn - Posted August 7 2016 - 10:04 AM


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Well, supposedly the vast majority of wild bee hives in North America (or just California?) are killer bees. Not sure if they go all the way up to Canada though. They might be a US thing, or just California. I don't actually recall what I was told now. All the wild bee nests I've encountered in Southern California have definitely been killer bees. Huge colonies, lots of colonies in close proximity to each other and very aggressive. But, killer bees are a lot tougher, hardier and much bigger colonies than native bees. Personally, I think that is a good thing. They have bigger hives, means more pollination, and much tougher than normal bees. With all the stuff Humans do to the environment (pesticides, GMO farms etc), I find that a good thing for the future of bees. The only downside is their aggression.


Better to have aggressive bees (wouldn't really be needed if Humans didn't use so many chemicals and GMO stuff), than no bees at all.

Edited by Vendayn, August 7 2016 - 10:05 AM.

#3 Offline gcsnelling - Posted August 7 2016 - 12:51 PM



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No, better to have native bees instead of Apis which are really no better than flying Argentine ants.

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#4 Offline Vendayn - Posted August 16 2016 - 11:56 AM


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I can see why they'd be like Argentine ants, except they are bees. Still, I think with all the chemicals/pesticides/GMO food (which can't be natural for bees, let alone people) and all kinds of junk people do on farmland and around their houses. I still think its better to have much hardier bees that have a better chance of surviving with all the bad things people do to the environment.


If people didn't exist or people didn't manipulate the environment and plants in a negative way, I'd agree that killer bees would be way worse to have. But, I'd rather have bees than no bees at all.


With that said, if the only thing that existed was Argentine ants...I'd never keep ants. :P So, I can see where you are coming from and why you'd rather not have killer bees around.

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