Hello! My name is Kevin and I (obviously) recently joined the forum. I just got into ant keeping and I have one queen, yet to be identified. I am working on 3D Modeling some formicariums, and plan to give out some of the plans for a couple simple ones. I want to make a store here soon and sell some formicariums for the cheapest I can make them worth my time and money, so I can get more people into the hobby. So far, I've been designing a expandable formicarium, with multiple custom pieces that are all inter lockable, a formicarium that is split into 4 squares that can be printed on small printers, and one small sized solid formicarium. I want to design a nest that will be usable for a founding chamber and can have gates lifted throughout it to expand the nest for new workers. I want to make my experience and others' a good one, and hope to seeing everyone around the forum!
PS: If anyone is wondering, I'm the the South Jersey area.