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#21 Offline Jeoff82 - Posted June 26 2016 - 6:45 AM


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Yes that's exactly what I am saying. For example Australia has points system if you wish to live there. You have to prove you have the skills they require for a visa. I say good luck to the ex Brits that have moved and created a life in another country. My uncle and aunt moved to Australia around 25 years ago. Its a good thing if you can contribute to the system but it is too much pressure on this country for mass, unskilled people to come and sponge off the system. That's exactly what's happening.
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#22 Offline JediPeaceFrog - Posted June 26 2016 - 10:39 AM


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Why would anybody think 'globalization' is a good thing? It retards freedom. Why would you want to be governed by a bloated, corrupt and ineffectual bureaucracy in Brussels(or elsewhere)? Why would you want a handful of global, billionaire elitists ruling over you? Brexit was just the lastest example of the long-oppressed people rising up because we are tired of being ignored by the elites.
People are tired of being called 'racist' because they don't support the globalist Obama, or being called 'sexist' if they don't support the globalist Hillary. People are tired of their government ignoring their voice, which is why we have seen the rise of Donald Trump and Bernie Sanders. It's the same anger worldwide. People are tired of the media lying to protect globalist politicians. People are tired of their jobs being given to foreign-born people who repay them by burning flags & raping women.
The Brexit vote was a vote for freedom, and the beginning of a massive wave of independence & self-reliance around the world.
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#23 Offline Reacker - Posted June 26 2016 - 3:29 PM


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>Why would you want a handful of global, billionaire elitists ruling over you?


I agree. I prefer my handful of ruling billionaire elitists to be domestic. Why bother importing billionaire elitist rulers when we have perfectly good ruling billionaire elitists here already?


This is yet another example of how immigration and globalization take away jobs from the local people. Why, even the New York Post that you cited is owned by the foreign elitist billionaire Rupert Murdoch. That's a perfectly good newspaper ownership position that before globalism would be owned by one of our own elitist billionaires. If we allow foreign elitist billionaires to buy up our media companies, how am I to trust that I'm still being indoctrinated with a viewpoint that convinces me to vote against my interests as a member of the American proletariat if the elitist billionaire controlling the slant of the media I consume isn't American himself?

Edited by Reacker, June 26 2016 - 3:47 PM.

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#24 Offline JediPeaceFrog - Posted June 26 2016 - 5:04 PM


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Bottom line: this is globalization that is happening right now here in America. You can either wake up to the reality around you, or you can continue to graze blissfully in those eternally lush fields of Ignorance & Obedience. Or, perhaps, it's another conspiracy perpetrated by that ruler of all worlds, Rupert Murdoch? Hey Reacker, research: George Soros.



#25 Offline Reacker - Posted June 26 2016 - 5:38 PM


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Once again, I agree.



#26 Offline drtrmiller - Posted June 26 2016 - 5:49 PM



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There will always be people who think the world's ills simply disappear if they stick their head in the sand.


If the UK leaves the EU, McDonalds will not stop building restaurants in Britain—the only thing that will change is that the hamburgers will get more expensive, and they will likely be perpetually understaffed.

Edited by drtrmiller, June 26 2016 - 5:50 PM.

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#27 Offline Reacker - Posted June 26 2016 - 6:13 PM


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I also want to add that I find those pictures in your first link of unmanned UN painted vehicles being transported from their place to manufacture to be absolutely terrifying. That any UN presence can be found in the US at all is a supreme violation of our national sovereignty; yet another malicious attempt of the globalist conspiracy to sway our citizenry into believing that the UN is not actually evil simply because it provides good manufacturing jobs to the US. I hope none of the sheeple suckling on the cloy liquor of employment from UN bosom are made so complacent in their consumption that they do not always remember that they are allowing themselves to be pawns in the globalist cabal.

Edited by Reacker, June 26 2016 - 6:15 PM.

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#28 Offline dspdrew - Posted June 26 2016 - 7:36 PM

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I also want to add that I find those pictures in your first link of unmanned UN painted vehicles being transported from their place to manufacture to be absolutely terrifying. That any UN presence can be found in the US at all is a supreme violation of our national sovereignty; yet another malicious attempt of the globalist conspiracy to sway our citizenry into believing that the UN is not actually evil simply because it provides good manufacturing jobs to the US. I hope none of the sheeple suckling on the cloy liquor of employment from UN bosom are made so complacent in their consumption that they do not always remember that they are allowing themselves to be pawns in the globalist cabal.


What happened to your dreams of a world government? :lol:

#29 Offline Cypherf0x - Posted June 26 2016 - 7:49 PM


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I also want to add that I find those pictures in your first link of unmanned UN painted vehicles being transported from their place to manufacture to be absolutely terrifying. That any UN presence can be found in the US at all is a supreme violation of our national sovereignty; yet another malicious attempt of the globalist conspiracy to sway our citizenry into believing that the UN is not actually evil simply because it provides good manufacturing jobs to the US. I hope none of the sheeple suckling on the cloy liquor of employment from UN bosom are made so complacent in their consumption that they do not always remember that they are allowing themselves to be pawns in the globalist cabal.

Those are manufactured by BAE systems up the coast and shipped out of the Port of Savannah.  No one seems to mind when they're painted coyote brown for our military.  :lol:

Edited by Cypherf0x, June 26 2016 - 7:51 PM.

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#30 Offline Reacker - Posted June 26 2016 - 8:02 PM


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I also want to add that I find those pictures in your first link of unmanned UN painted vehicles being transported from their place to manufacture to be absolutely terrifying. That any UN presence can be found in the US at all is a supreme violation of our national sovereignty; yet another malicious attempt of the globalist conspiracy to sway our citizenry into believing that the UN is not actually evil simply because it provides good manufacturing jobs to the US. I hope none of the sheeple suckling on the cloy liquor of employment from UN bosom are made so complacent in their consumption that they do not always remember that they are allowing themselves to be pawns in the globalist cabal.


What happened to your dreams of a world government? :lol:


You're taking that out of context. I clearly said that I wanted there to be one world US government under our benign leadership. We're not just going to make America great again, we're going to make the world great again. Every country gets a border wall that Mexico will pay for, and each wall will be N+10 feet taller for any N. I found an excellent video demonstrating why the World needs a US hegemony to improve it:



#31 Offline drtrmiller - Posted June 26 2016 - 8:11 PM



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This conversation has devolved into a more polysyllabic version of the comment section at Breitbart.  I can't determine whether the sarcasm is more silly or stupid.

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byFormica® is the manufacturer of the iconic nectar feeders and Sunburst Ant Nectar.
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#32 Offline Reacker - Posted June 26 2016 - 8:13 PM


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This is much better than a "serious" discussion on this topic.

Edited by Reacker, June 26 2016 - 8:14 PM.

#33 Offline drtrmiller - Posted June 26 2016 - 8:15 PM



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Degenerative evolution.

Edited by drtrmiller, June 26 2016 - 8:18 PM.

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byFormica® is the manufacturer of the iconic nectar feeders and Sunburst Ant Nectar.
byFormica ant products always deliver consistent performance, convenience,
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ant keeping enthusiasts worldwide. For more information, visit www.byFormica.com.

#34 Offline Reacker - Posted June 26 2016 - 8:19 PM


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You can't degeneratively evolve from rock bottom.  There's no where lower to go.


EDIT: Though maybe you think that the gems of high minded discussion in this thread before I got here including but not limited to reasoning about nation states as parent-child relationships or an incredibly inaccurate, simplistic, and irrelevant rendition of roman history are a high point.

Edited by Reacker, June 26 2016 - 8:30 PM.

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#35 Offline dspdrew - Posted June 26 2016 - 8:47 PM

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You can't degeneratively evolve from rock bottom.  There's no where lower to go.


EDIT: Though maybe you think that the gems of high minded discussion in this thread before I got here including but not limited to reasoning about nation states as parent-child relationships..


A parent-child relationship is exactly what government and its governed is.

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#36 Offline Reacker - Posted June 26 2016 - 8:57 PM


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I agree completely.


There is a 1-to-1 correspondence between governments and the governed,and parent-child relationships. They are logically equivalent. That's why no one should be allowed to have conceal carry guns, since no responsible parent allows their children to carry concealed weapons on them. 


Also, the complex and globally linked economy of the US is just like when my parents would give me a small allowance for doing my chores. You can reason about the two things without the need for experts  or theory or nuance. That's why my redneck uncle Billy Bob knows quite a lot about economic policy; he's a dad and any dad knows about when to give an allowance and when not to. Maybe if the government would listen to regular people like him, the Obamalypse could have been avoided. 

Edited by Reacker, June 26 2016 - 9:02 PM.

#37 Offline dspdrew - Posted June 26 2016 - 9:14 PM

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Sure Reacker. We all know that government never assumes authority over "its people". It's clearly a system of voluntaryism, just like parents and their children.

#38 Offline Reacker - Posted June 26 2016 - 9:44 PM


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Two things that have a few of their aspects in common are not the necessarily the same thing, and it is not always the case that arguments involving the the first thing apply in any way to the second thing. 


Though nations and parents share the aspect in common that their authority is not usually opt-in/voluntary, their respective properties that they do not share in common are so numerous that to think that you can reason about parents and their children and come up with results that apply at all to nations and their citizens in any but the most sparse, specifically chosen cases is just dumb.


Nation states throughout time and especially in the modern era are orders of magnitude more complex than parent-child relationships. There are literally tens of millions of extremely intelligent people in the governments of the world doing their best to do what they genuinely think will help their country men in the best way they know how. I'm talking about scientists, policy makers, social workers, law enforcement, military leaders. All of these people working tirelessly in all the nations of the world for the last 100 years of the modern era and still we barely know how to keep an economy afloat for more than a few years at a time, we still don't know how to make a perfectly just judiciary system, we still haven't solved income inequality, we still don't know how to deal with diplomacy with other nations in ways that don't occasionally cause wars to break out. We're getting a better at these things all the time, but we are still not good enough at these things that we can say that we are good enough to settle with our current skill and be content.


Parenting on the other hand is a solved problem. It has been solved by our ancient-ancient-ancient ancestors in the distant unrecorded past 100,000+ years ago. The people who solved it did so in an environment where basic arithmetic was non existent and the idea that you can get an aurochs or a horse to do some work for you wouldn't occur for a few tens of thousands of years. Parenting is a simple matter when compared with the complex machinery that is the modern nation state.



The two are only superficially similar and if you think about it for a few minutes it quickly becomes clear that there is nothing useful that you can get out of reasoning about one that applies to the other. To propose otherwise and seriously assert it as a legitimate analogue that one should base their decisions on should instantly disqualify you from having a voice in your respective democracies. It's a textbook example of demagoguery. Just pure [censored]. 

Edited by dspdrew, June 26 2016 - 10:26 PM.
Removed profanity

#39 Offline dspdrew - Posted June 26 2016 - 10:30 PM

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...millions of extremely intelligent people in the governments of the world...


Not intelligent. Popular.


Clearly your views are those of someone who adores government.

#40 Offline Reacker - Posted June 26 2016 - 10:33 PM


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If you think there are no talented people in the government, and that it is inherently staffed by only the incompetent, then you are so detached from reality that I don't think any intelligent discussion can even be had. I'm going to go back to sarcasm mode.


Not to mention that the part of my post that you addressed doesn't really matter to my point, and that you completely failed to address my criticism of your analogy in any way.

Edited by Reacker, June 26 2016 - 10:36 PM.

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