Man oh man. You guys just shot yourselves in the foot. Congratulations on your re-independence.
Edited by drtrmiller, June 23 2016 - 7:27 PM.
Man oh man. You guys just shot yourselves in the foot. Congratulations on your re-independence.
Edited by drtrmiller, June 23 2016 - 7:27 PM.
Maybe they can become a state? ...Or a colony?
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"Self-education is, I firmly believe, the only kind of education there is." - Isaac Asimov
That's a pretty nebulous reason for leaving. Of course I can't speak on all the issues, but I do know that globalization isn't going away simply because one country that represents roughly 0.8% of the world population decides they want to isolate themselves, and by doing so, become more dependent on extra-EU allies like the United States.
For me, as a business owner trying to expand to the European market, it makes doing business in both the UK and EU far less accessible. Under the current system, I can simply export to the UK, which makes my products available to all EU member countries. However, a post-Brexit UK would likely cede existing trade agreements exclusive to EU members, meaning that I would be required to have separate exports to both the UK and EU. Given that non-UK EU countries represent about 20-30% or so of my total European sales, it simply makes the cost of exporting goods and doing business in either market a much greater risk.
Given the margin of the referendum, roughly 48/52, I don't see why the Parliamentary representatives shouldn't simply overrule the people's decision, which is non-binding, and signal some sort of compromise with the EU. Leaving really hurts the UK, EU, US, and global economy.
Edited by drtrmiller, June 24 2016 - 4:46 AM.
Not sure about it hurting UK the British pound is still strong. EU is still propping up several bankrupt nations. I think its a very difficult issue but I also think security is an issue.
Current Colonies;
Acromyrmex Versicolor
Dorymyrmex Bicolor
Pogonomyrmex Californicus
Pogonomyrmex Rugosus
Pogonomyrmex Tenuispinus
Novomessor Cockerelli
Myrmecocystus Mexicanus
Last Update: 08 Jul 2016
NightsWebs, on 24 Jun 2016 - 3:49 PM, said:
EU is still propping up several bankrupt nations.
Just like the US (via rich states like California and New York) is propping up poor states like Mississippi and Louisiana. Neighbors helping neighbors.
And I don't think losing 10% of your currency value in the world market in just a few hours is a good sign for their economy, either. Just because of that, France overtook the UK as the world's 5th largest economy. A country that is never first in anything except the number of cheese courses for dinner—won 5th biggest economy.
Edited by drtrmiller, June 24 2016 - 7:53 AM.
Yeah, thanks for the stock dip, that's my $.02.
So what you are saying is France still isn't first at anything? Seems like you just said they are 5th.
I really think the way the rest of Europe has handled the migrant crisis is what lead to the UK leaving and I don't think we can blame them for wanting out. Will it work out for the UK? Only time will tell
My ants | My free feeder design | PM or email me if you need and 3d printing, cnc machining, or manufacturing done:
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"Self-education is, I firmly believe, the only kind of education there is." - Isaac Asimov
Not the responsibility of Britain to prop up Europe or USA to be the world police.
Current Colonies;
Acromyrmex Versicolor
Dorymyrmex Bicolor
Pogonomyrmex Californicus
Pogonomyrmex Rugosus
Pogonomyrmex Tenuispinus
Novomessor Cockerelli
Myrmecocystus Mexicanus
Last Update: 08 Jul 2016
Quite a huge defeat to liberals. Its kinda like when eastern romans became their own nation, and sent all the barbarians to the western romans. The barbarians attacked western rome from within, and even in their own roman armies ended up majority helping the other barbarians take it over. Its one reason eastern rome lasted so much longer than the western counterpart. They didn't even have a barbarian problem at all (at least not nearly a problem compared to the western romans), which was the main reason western rome got defeated so easily. Of course western romans were also pretty corrupt, lazy (getting huge free handouts and wanting everything for free without working for it) and heavy barbarian sympathizers. So the barbarian problem wasn't the only issue, but it was a big one
Vendayn - Are you saying doling out "panem et circenses" were not enough to keep the Roman economy and empire going?
At this point, I'm not sure the Brexit aftermath will live up to anyone's expectations of it. We shall see. . .
It feels somewhat like this classic loony toons clip:
My ants | My free feeder design | PM or email me if you need and 3d printing, cnc machining, or manufacturing done:
Make your own mold/fungus/bacteria resistant test tube water! Don't get ripped off! Read my simple guide: http://www.formicult...-simple-how-to/
"Self-education is, I firmly believe, the only kind of education there is." - Isaac Asimov
NightsWebs, on 24 Jun 2016 - 3:49 PM, said:
Not sure about it hurting UK the British pound is still strong.
Edited by drtrmiller, June 24 2016 - 4:01 PM.
drtrmiller, on 24 Jun 2016 - 11:32 PM, said:
If you're going to use such an inept and ignorant analogy as "UK is to EU as child is to parents," then you really have no place participating in this discussion.
I could sit and list all of the goodies I got when I lived with my parents, but why?. My point still stands. There's a reason they voted the way they did.
Species kept; Lasius Niger, Flavus, Brunneus, Emarginatus, Umbratus, Formica Fusca, Sanguinea, Rufibarbis, Camponotus Ligniperdus, Myrmica Rubra
Jeoff82, on 26 Jun 2016 - 1:53 PM, said: needs to improve starting with basics like border control.
Species kept; Lasius Niger, Flavus, Brunneus, Emarginatus, Umbratus, Formica Fusca, Sanguinea, Rufibarbis, Camponotus Ligniperdus, Myrmica Rubra
Edited by drtrmiller, June 26 2016 - 6:41 AM.
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