1. Location of collection: On the sidewalk on the embankment - close to river(but can be found far from river too), Croatia (central Europe)
2. Date of collection: 16. Jun 2016
3. Habitat of collection: continental lowland region; ants can be found by the any sidewalk that have grass at the and of it.
4. Length (from head to gaster): queen: ~0.6mm ants: (I didn't manage to measure them, they are really small, and really fast)
5. Color, hue, pattern and texture: full black with few light brown lines on their gaster (abdomen)
6. Distinguishing characteristics: queen: Head is almoust half size of a thorax
Sudden summer rains are going on for the whole week. Wednesday was rainy and I caught the queen at Thursday late at night.
I hope it will be enough informations. Thanks for help.