Hi guys. Would like to know if anyone else has any experience with this species? I've done lots and lots of research, and found all the journals I could. Nothing is very descriptive for this species, and it seems like it’s not commonly kept.
So far I’ve witnessed them actively killing bugs and carrying them to the brood. They’ve also drank liquids from a piece of watermelon, and immediately responded to bee pollen.
I read that this species is an important seed spreader in woods and forests. They hoard seeds and some end up growing? What I’m taking from this is that they hoard them for consumption. If this is so, what seeds should I offer? I read in another thread to offer grass seed, not sure which species it was though.
Also, with my 100% bee pollen. Has anyone else tried this? My ants love it, but it spreads out like mix the moment it hits water I.E. the moment the ant sets it down in the nest. In one ants tube, it started growing mold a couple days after and I really don’t want this to happen again. So, I was thinking a way to stop this from happening is to add water myself, and add the gooey substance to a dish in the outworld rather then serving it as dried chunks.
Lastly, what other characteristics does this species have that I should know. Assuming that they’re under bark, and not in the log, they like high humidity and warmth. So I’ll be putting a heating pad under the nests.