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Dorylus Driver Ants

driver ants dorylus videos

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#1 Offline SoulSlicer 9000 - Posted May 14 2016 - 12:05 AM

SoulSlicer 9000


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  • LocationAddis Ababa, Ethiopia

Here are a few videos from my YouTube channel to clarify my colony:





Each video down the line is newer. To see everything visit my YouTube channel: https://www.youtube....edwRA4-grc4AE9A



#2 Offline Alza - Posted May 14 2016 - 6:53 PM


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Where did you get them?

#3 Offline Vendayn - Posted May 14 2016 - 7:28 PM


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Considering he lives in Ethiopia, he most likely got them from near where he lives. Or got someone locally in Africa to sell/trade/give them, or he drove to (what we in the U.S would consider) through "state lines" to find them. I don't know the ants of Africa at all barely, but considering Dorylus are found in Africa, he probably got them when they were moving nests. Or/and got lucky with finding a new colony.


His fourth video, it shows them all escaping and what appears to them quickly running out of room (no surprise considering their immense colony sizes). But, wow, those are huge queens (2 inches long he said in his video comments).


I never see Dorylus for sell on any site and a quick google search shows nothing at all, but I never looked that much into it. But, I don't imagine many people go out collecting them to sell on the ant market, and definitely never seen them personally on any ant store site. But, it wouldn't be like he would have that far to go, and they may even be where he lives. I imagine they'd be a VERY hard ant to keep though, due to how fast and big the colony would get. Even more of a severe issue than I personally had with Solenopsis invicta, which grow really fast.

#4 Offline dspdrew - Posted May 15 2016 - 8:35 AM

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I never saw any queens in the videos.

#5 Offline Vendayn - Posted May 15 2016 - 10:30 AM


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Yeah I didn't either, so maybe he just got workers? Unless he just didn't show the queen for some reason in his videos. In his comments he seemed to imply he has a queen though. And over the course of the videos, he has more and more ants to where overcrowding is a major issue. Unless he just got way too many ants or something.

#6 Offline gcsnelling - Posted May 15 2016 - 12:11 PM



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if there had been a queen, you couldn't miss it.

#7 Offline Vendayn - Posted May 15 2016 - 12:30 PM


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I just assumed he didn't show the queen for whatever reason. But, he most likely just got a ton of workers then. He didn't show any brood either, which if there was a queen, I'd imagine there'd be a ton of that. I just thought it would be strange to have overcrowding issues without a queen, but guess some people end up getting more ants than they think they can keep.

Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: driver ants, dorylus, videos

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