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Lasius Neoniger and formicariums

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#1 Offline noebl1 - Posted May 5 2016 - 11:37 AM


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I'm really hoping to find a Lasius Neoniger queen (or a few) this summer... I have seen them in the past before I was interested in keeping ants, so I have high hopes, but if not this year, maybe the next... 


Anyways, I really like how their ant hills look that they excavate and look like tiny volcanoes.  I was thinking about getting a formicarium filled with a sand substrate filling, so they could excavate the chambers as they grow and deposit the sand into the outworld.  However got me thinking that as nice as that would look, may be a challenge keeping the outworld clean and maintained (especially if I need to swap it out if it gets too messy.)   I was originally thinking of basically bringing up some tubes from the formicarium into the outworld, which would use a sand/ground mixture for it's base that the tubes came thru the bottom, pointing up vertically.


Has anyone done this before or my hopes a bit too high on this one? :)  If you've done one, how do you keep the outworld maintained?



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