So I guess there are Argentine ants up in Big Bear City, Subverted said he seemed to think there was the other day in chat. And in the Winter they survive by going indoors I guess. Makes sense really. So if I do move there, guess more annoying Argentine ants.
Can't escape them anywhere in California.
At least I can leave the city area and find native ants. But, I'd literally rather have any other ant than Argentine ants. The worst ant you can ask for to invade your surrounding area. Even if I went to their native habitat, I still wouldn't like them. They have to rank up there with my top 5 least favorite ants in the world. Definitely #1 in the ones I've personally encountered. They are just so boring, and even look boring. Even the queens don't look nice. They don't even make good captive ants. Even if they did, they'd be boring captive ants. At least Solenopsis invicta and Pheidole megacephala makes for fun to watch captive ants, and even fun to watch outside.
Oh well, at least Argentine ants can't spread that far past buildings since they are limited to where they can go. Probably invade the surrounding area in the Summer, but massively die off in the Winter.
Well, and I'll just end this post here before I rant more about Argentine ants. I just really don't like Argentine ants.
If we move there, I'll destroy as many Argentine ants as possible. I'll be nicknamed Destroyer of Argentine ants. And the Argentine ants will run in fear!
The last part might be also be from too much Warhammer Total War, and a lot of coffee today...
Edited by Vendayn, June 8 2016 - 7:36 PM.