The queen seems be prefer to dwell near branch. They don't have cocoons, just naked pupae.
The queen seems be prefer to dwell near branch. They don't have cocoons, just naked pupae.
First nanitic worker has just eclose and enjoying the honey.
If you ain't got a dream, you ain't got nothing.
Yours seem a lot more active than mine, the queen and workers seem to just sit around a lot of the time..
Yours seem a lot more active than mine, the queen and workers seem to just sit around a lot of the time..
They only move to gather food (stock up on honey) or when I disturb them. Otherwise they just sit on the brood. When I disturb them, the queen would try to escape as the current container is not safe enough.
wassup with them?
They died from mould. I didn't make a proper formicarium for them.
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