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***NEW*** byFormica Liquid Feeding Kits Now Available (2017 version)

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#41 Offline iXvXi - Posted April 12 2017 - 5:55 PM


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Very nice packaging! Very professional looking for sure!

They work as intended as always. Never had a slightest complaint with any of your products 👌

#42 Offline Serafine - Posted April 12 2017 - 11:47 PM


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Did anyone notice the ant symbol on the new packaging? Looks pretty cool.

Wouldn't be surprised to see that on a temple wall in some Cthullu movie :D

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We should respect all forms of consciousness. The body is just a vessel, a mere hull.

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#43 Offline brian - Posted April 17 2017 - 6:00 PM


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Got mine today can't wait to test it out when I get enough ants ready for a new home. It looks great and the packaging was cool and well thought out for looks and safe shipping. So far everything I get from biformica has been great.

#44 Offline drtrmiller - Posted May 1 2017 - 4:29 AM



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Loops117 took this fantastic photo of wild Prenolepis imparis enjoying Sunburst Ant Nectar from a Galileo Liquid Feeder.
Loops owns 117 Colonies & Ant Farms, and I look forward to seeing what formicariums and other antkeeping products he comes up with in the future.

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byFormica® is the manufacturer of the iconic nectar feeders and Sunburst Ant Nectar.
byFormica ant products always deliver consistent performance, convenience,
and reliability, making them among the most beloved ant foods and kit enjoyed by
ant keeping enthusiasts worldwide. For more information, visit www.byFormica.com.

#45 Offline Myrmidon - Posted May 1 2017 - 7:37 AM


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I also purchased mine recently - the packaging was a clear indicator that there was a lot of care and investment in these products. I really liked them! I am founding my P. imparis now but as the picture above dictates, they'll love it when it comes down to feeding. :P

Keeper of:


Prenolepis imparis (4 founding queens)

Camponotus pennsylvanicus (5 founding queens)

Reticulitermes flavipes (3 pairs, subterranean termite)


#46 Offline Jamie_Garrison - Posted May 1 2017 - 7:43 AM


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are you offering the files for cheaper?



#47 Offline Cindy - Posted May 1 2017 - 8:11 AM


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I also purchased mine recently - the packaging was a clear indicator that there was a lot of care and investment in these products. I really liked them! I am founding my P. imparis now but as the picture above dictates, they'll love it when it comes down to feeding. :P

I caught a few workers before the P. Imparis flight happened and they loved the Sunburst! I have since returned them to their nest, but so far I've been successful at feeding Sunburst to all the species I've found in my backyard (pictures of species are in my Gallery album)

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#48 Offline drtrmiller - Posted June 24 2017 - 10:09 AM



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1f4a1.png Did you know?
It's perfectly normal for ants to drink from byFormica's Galileo Liquid Feeders while upside down!
The feeder's unique design makes it tricky to access the liquid contained inside, reducing the
likelihood that ants will pile dirt on the feeder. Ants must probe the feeder with their their "tongue"
organs in order to suck out the liquid. This feature also serves to reduce evaporation by keeping
exposed liquid to a minimum.

1f44d.png Learn more about the many ways ants use their "tongue" organs here:


1f6cd.png Purchase Links:

Edited by drtrmiller, June 24 2017 - 10:10 AM.

byFormica® is the manufacturer of the iconic nectar feeders and Sunburst Ant Nectar.
byFormica ant products always deliver consistent performance, convenience,
and reliability, making them among the most beloved ant foods and kit enjoyed by
ant keeping enthusiasts worldwide. For more information, visit www.byFormica.com.

#49 Offline Serafine - Posted June 24 2017 - 1:36 PM


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I can confirm that, my ants drink upside down all (well, most of) the time.
They sometimes manage to get small sand particles into the feeders though (even up into the glass, no idea how they do that) which makes it a pain to unscrew them. It would be easier if the lower base rim was a bit ticker so you could grip it better.

Edited by Serafine, June 24 2017 - 1:37 PM.

We should respect all forms of consciousness. The body is just a vessel, a mere hull.

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#50 Offline drtrmiller - Posted June 24 2017 - 3:27 PM



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I can confirm that, my ants drink upside down all (well, most of) the time.They sometimes manage to get small sand particles into the feeders though (even up into the glass, no idea how they do that) which makes it a pain to unscrew them. It would be easier if the lower base rim was a bit ticker so you could grip it better.

Syrupy or crystallized sugar in the threads can make unscrewing difficult sometimes. Rinse them under warm running water for up to a minute and that should loosen them up so they come apart easily.

byFormica® is the manufacturer of the iconic nectar feeders and Sunburst Ant Nectar.
byFormica ant products always deliver consistent performance, convenience,
and reliability, making them among the most beloved ant foods and kit enjoyed by
ant keeping enthusiasts worldwide. For more information, visit www.byFormica.com.

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