Hey guys!
Just wanted to let you know of a new ant website I created, called Antkeepers
Very happy to see you here! 5 stars on the site
Few spelling mistakes and commas and periods switched up.
Thanks, antdude
Hahah I'm not that bad! Just small stuff that I had to second back on. I'm a really fast reader so little things I pick up on that slows down the "flow". Such as the different font size on one of the pages 😂
Great website though, I'm not taking anything away from it; just observations you can look into if you're bored or looking for something.
Few things you should look into.
Configure X-Xss-Protection header.
Configure Content-Security-Policy header.
Define a Sitemap.
Link the page to Google Plus.
Upload robot.txt Google site crawler
Add form label to each form input.
Hide Server Specs.
Add a H1 Title (for Google keywords)
Configure ipv6 compatibility (low priority)
Put scripts in an external .js file. (Security risk)
Replace inline CSS by CSS classes and put CSS in an external .css file.
Indicate the Charset.
Configure DNSSEC.
Use main keywords of the Page Title (Google keywords)