Will Argentine ants grow nicely with only two queens? And produce alates? I am showing a class how Argentine ants spread fast and displace native ant species. That was the plan anyway. But I wanted to get a colony that was by the school. I saw lots of Solenopsis invicta, and one small Argentine ant colony and all I could get was two Argentine ant queens (that was all the colony had). So, it will probably just end up how Argentine ants and Solenopsis interact with each other, since there aren't any native ants by the school.
Will the Argentine ant colony even do anything? Would they even produce alates with such a small number of queens? And usually 1-3 queens die when I get Argentine ants, so worst case scenario there won't be any queens. Otherwise, I may end up with just one, especially since one of the queens looks weak (and she is missing her legs on half her body, probably attacked by S. invicta at one point). The kids will observe them (and Solenopsis invicta) over the Summer, and in Winter I'll get the colony back.
But, with 1-2 queens, I dunno...I'm worried its a bust and there won't be much in the way of Argentine ants to observe. Unless at least one queen can expand fast enough and produce alates by herself.